
November 30, 2014

Parchment Card

Hi Everybody,

This is a little card that I made on the C&C shows and it was in the demo showing how to emboss the parchment that is on the front.

The flowers and bow centre are from Wild Orchid Crafts    and the  Satin ribbon is from Mei Flower

The parchment that I used is quite thick and I bought it from AnnaMarie Designs  and it embossed really well.

Altogether a really pretty card to send for any occasion.

The picture was taken early this morning and is not very clear and one of the workshops we did while I was in Phoenix was on the importance of good photos.

So I have bought my self a new camera and once my "Film Crew" has given me some lessons on how to use it properly then my photos will improve. (Fingers crossed)

Today is a day of relaxation for us as we are going to an Art and Craft fair at Salmesbury Hall.  It's not far to travel and some of our daughters will be there.  I shall be on the look out for some  unusual gifts and then it's Sunday Roast on the way home.

Spellbinders Sneak Peak & Give Away 

Please come back and visit tomorrow for a Sneak Peak of a new die that is coming up in the Winter CHA 2015

This competition will run from the 1st -5th December and if you visit the other designers taking part then you will have more chances to win the featured die template

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 29, 2014

Home at Last ...

Hi Everybody,

Well here I am back in my own home and well rested after a good nights sleep.   I wanted to thank you all for the lovely comments and emails that have been left everywhere for me and I really value all your support.

Most of the names read out on C&C I could recognise as regular readers of my Blog and it was comforting to know that you are there watching.   I made mistakes and got things wrong but I am only human and it is scary in front of a live camera.

But overall I don't think any of the shows went to badly and some I was very pleased with. But now that I am home again I can get back to cardmaking and blogging.

And the first business in hand is the winner of the Friday Freebie card and that is YOU ....

Janice Wallace

so if you could mail me please
as soon as you can then I will get the card in the post to you straight away.

The winners of the Spellbinders will be in the next post so that things don't get mixed up.

More later ...

Hugs xx

November 28, 2014

Friday Freebie 035

Hi Everybody,

I have  not forgotten to include the Friday Freebie card and this one is in a lovely shade of Baby Pink.

I have used Seville from the Spanish Collection by Sue Wilson and topped it with  San Francisco from the California Collection

It creates a very pretty raised background and the verse from Lili of the Valley   has been stamped and embossed for the top.

The flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts  as is the pearl and diamanté centre to the bow.

The satin ribbon is from Mei Flower   and the pearl flourish is from Want2Scrap

If you would like to win this card then all you have to do is leave me a comment at the bottom of the page and it would be nice if you became a follower too.

The winner will be announced in tomorrows Blog post and then you have 48 hours in which to claim it.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 24, 2014

Lovely Weekend ...

Hi Everybody,

I have had a lovely Sunday off before the busy week ahead although Saturday was spent preparing samples for the coming shows

I really hope that you will like some of the things I will be showing you over the three days and I have kept them easy to follow for those that are new to cardmaking.

I haven't had time to make new cards so this is one that I have shown earlier this year.

The butterflies are the Martha Stewart Monarch punch and I have added gemstones from  Want2Scrap  along the body line.

The ribbon is soft organza from Mei Flower and it is tied in a double bow.

The centre of the know is covered with a beautiful pearl and diamanté dazzler from Wild Orchid Crafts   and just gives a lovely finish to the ribbon

The background to the card is created from Sue Wilsons background to the French Collection and I have covered it in Glitter.

The verse is from the Sheena Douglass collection with Crafters Companion 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 22, 2014

Good Morning ....

Hi Everybody,

My Saturdays seem to get later each week but eventually I get up and start the day and today starts with the winner of the purple card.

My "Film Crew" has chosen the winner and it's you ...

you have 48 hours to claim the card so if you could email me ...
your postal address then I will get the card in the post to you straight away and I hope you will like it

TV Schedule 

So just to let you know that next week I am back on your TV with the New Grand Calibur and a wonderful offer to go with it.  

Tuesday 25th November at 9 pm and 11 pm  on Ideal World
Wednesday 26 th   with 8 shows alternating between Ideal World and C&C
Thursday 27 th  at 8am, 11am, 2pm, 4pm 7pm  on Create and Craft

I hope you will be able to join me and maybe send in your emails 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 21, 2014

Friday Freebie 034

Hi Everybody,

Todays card is a lovely shade of purple and is very regal.

I have used a die by Sue Wilson form the Italian Collection - Tuscany.  I got mine from JGD Crafts 

I have colored the centre part with Distress ink and then covered it with  Glitter

If you would like to win this card then all you need to do is leave me a comment and un the morning a name will be drawn at random and the winner announced in the blog post.

Please come back to check if you are the winner as you will only have 48 hours in which to claim the card.

Next week I am back at Create & Craft with the  new Grand Calibur and some beautiful new dies from Spellbinders

Since I got back from the Ambassadors Retreat in Phoenix I have been really busy making samples  for the shows so please come and join me and maybe send in an email and maybe you will win a card from the shows too.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 20, 2014

Altered Art ...

Hi Everybody,

A few years ago now I did a tutorial on how to alter a cheap notebook and make it some thing special

With Christmas on the way this is another project that would make a pretty gift

It and can be filled with all sorts of stuff by the recipient ... address book, To Do lists etc.

The example shows a notebook altered with Spellbinders Bitty Blossoms  and the video tutorial will show you the steps

I have added in some flourishes from Want2Scrap and some toning ribbon

But if you prefer to work without dies then  click this link  ... Altered Notebook  ... and have a go

It's not hard to do and you will have some lovely results with any pretty papers that you may have in your one personal "Stash"

But choose the booklet carefully as it needs to be the right kind of spiral along the spine for you to open up and be able to remove the covers

Don't forget to add your name to the  Give Away  for this month and be in with a chance to win some wonderful new Spellbinders

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 19, 2014

November "Give Away"

Hi Everybody,

What with one thing an another I have been so busy and unable to do a "Give Away"

But today we are going to rectify that problem and seeing as how Christmas is looming then I thought that some lovely seasonal dies would be appropriate and I have  THREE  sets to "Give Away"

So in this little collection I am giving you ... with the full approval of Spellbinders ...  three die sets.

All of these dies were demonstrated by me on the Holiday shows on Create and Craft back in August.

Included is the Heirloom Ornament which is featured on this card and is such a versatile  die that it can be used in many ways ... and not just for Christmas

I am also adding in Holiday Greetings which is more of a Snowflake set then actual words.  But this can be used in layers or as it is with the individual dies

And last but not least there is the large Snowflakes View  which I used in lots of ways in the demos.

November 18, 2014

Altered Art ...

Hi Everybody,

As we all know Christmas is on the way and if you are like me then you will be buying the little lovelies in a round tub.

I am sure that you all know what I mean and I find I develop a real addiction to Pringles every year.

So what do you do with the tubes when you have eaten them all ???? Throw them away ???

Oh not this year ... keep them and decorate them as storage for lots of different items.

The video tutorial is easy to follow and you will love these once they are completed ... after you have enjoyed the contents of course !!!

I have added Wild Orchid Flowers   to mine  along with some glitter to make them sparkle.

And all the pearl flourishes are from Want2Srap   You can use any Spellbinders that you have in your crafting "Stash"  just have some fun as you make these for your self and your friends

More tomorrow ...


November 17, 2014

Back Home ....

Hi Everybody,

Thank you for all your lovely comments to wish me well on my travels and now here I am back at home after the most wonderful trip to Spellbinders Ambassadors Retreat in Phoenix  and spending time with some amazing women.

We travelled to Phoenix airport on Sunday morning at 8.30 am and I arrived home at 10.30 am this morning after the overnight flight.  I don't know about you but I cannot sleep on an airplane and so now I am very tired.... but determined to stay awake until later tonight to try and get my body clock back to UK times

I will share some of the photos with you here but first of all lets deal with the Friday Freebie and the name that has been drawn is you ....

Jan Moss
If you would email me please
I will get the card sent to you straight away.  Thank you all for your patience with this draw but we should soon be back to normal 

So on to the trip ...
Stacey greeted us all warmly and she has put an incredible amount of work to make  the  Retreat really special and we have been treated like royalty

We had workshops with both Stacey and Kim and made some really neat projects and lots of laughing in the process too

These two projects are using products from the new A Gilded Life range and this was such fun to work with

And of course I have brought some of the Bezels on the right of the picture back with me and will be using them on some cards as well as stand alone pieces of jewellery.

Both are much prettier than they look on the photo
This was a journal I made  and it has about 12 pages inside to record the interesting things that we learned

And again one of the Bezels has been used on the front of the book along with some ribbon and lace

Stacey did a  class with a mixed media canvas which is an area that was new to me but it is one that I will be trying again

And although it was messing about with paint it is yet another way to use your dies.

One of the things we did was take a day trip out to the beautiful red rock mountains in Sedona.

A magical and spiritual place.

It was a really warm day and we had lunch in fabulous lodge overlooking the most spectacular landscape

Then on the way back we stopped off to visit the art work and sculptures in another magical  red rock  place

We all had a try at pronouncing the name of this place ... can you ?

Inside this village there was a Pandora shop and I bought myself a little charm called Arizona Sunshine

I added it to my silver bracelet and now I have permanent reminder of my trip to Phoenix which is in Arizona
Of course no trip could go without a visit to the craft shop and this was the Spellbinders display in the Joanne's shop in Phoenix.

The stand was full and all with the new look packaging and very smart it looks too

There are lots of wonderful collections coming up and Spellbinders and Stacey are working hard in the background to bring you the very best.

The Victorian Collection  ... which was designed by Stacey  ...was just a taster of the wonderful things to come

Stay with me on this new journey with Spellbinders working with new designs ... new ideas ... and new ways to work those die templates.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 14, 2014

Friday Freebie 033

Hi Everybody,

Todays card in the Friday Freebie range is one using the Striplet dies from Sue Wilson.

I got my set from JGD Crafts  and there are many of Sues' dies for you to choose from

I have teamed the teal color with white and a touch of yellow for effect.

The beautiful flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts  and into them I have added one of my   pearl sprays   (video tutorial)

The ribbon is from Mei Flower  and I have tied it in a double bow.

The sentiment is from Crafters Companion    Sentimental range

So if you would like to win this card then all you have to do is become a follower and then leave me a comment

From the comments  a name will be drawn from the hat and the winner will be notified in tomorrows post.

Then you have to send me your postal address and I will send the card to you wherever you live

More tomorrow ...  

Hugs xx

November 10, 2014

Juicy Oranges ...

Hi Everybody,

Here is a little card that I sat and colored  in a moment of relaxation.

I got out the Spectrum Noir Pens and Pencils and set to work.

Clicking the link will take you to their Blog pages and there you will find more of the tutorials that I did for Spectrum Noir

The image is from the CD by Crafters Companion that accompanies the pencil tuition

The ribbon and pearls centre are from my "Stash" and I have matted and layered the whole panel onto orange card

The sentiment is stamped in  Spiced Marmalade and embossed in clear powder.

The colors used for this image are ...
Fruit    OR1 TN3 TN6 TN7 Pencils 020, 022,   091
Leaves   CG2 DG2 DG4 Pencils 056,  058,
Blossoms  PP1 PP3  Pencils 037
Shadow IG2 IG3 IG4 and Blender to soften the pointillism around the fruit.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 09, 2014

Colored Glue Background ...

Hi Everybody,

This post for the next few days are all scheduled to go out because as you read this I will be preparing to go on my adventure to Phoenix USA for the Ambassadors retreat with Spellbinders

I thought I would get in a quick, fun tutorial before I go and this is the card that was made from this technique. There is not a die used on this  and no flowers either.

It is a quick and easy way to use your colored glues and they come in many colors ... and don't forget the glitter glues too.

This one to the right uses Cosmic Shimmer in Pastel Pink, Blue and Green

And all I have done it wrap it with pink satin ribbon from Mei Flower

The  card to the left has used some  Pearly Scrumptious glue in pearl Pink, Blue and Ivory and I must admit that this is my favorite.

Again it has been wrapped in satin ribbon with a pearl cntre over the knot.

So scroll down for the video ... it's only five minutes long.

Once I get back home I will be adding more tutorials and passing on any tips and techniques that I learn while I am away.

I hope you enjoy both the video and the technique.

I will try to blog as much as I can while I am in Phoenix but please bear with me if I miss a day or am perhaps late with a post.

I have not forgotten the Friday Freebie  either and have scheduled a lovely card to go out on the day 

More tomorrow from wherever I am ...

Hugs xx

November 08, 2014

The Draw is Done ...

Hi Everybody,

Here we are with another Saturday morning and it is cold and wet here in the North West UK.

Somebody informed me yesterday that it is only seven weeks to Christmas and I can't think about that yet as I have too many things that I need to do first.

The first thing I need to do today is tell you who the winner of the blue card is and the name that has been drawn is ...

Paula ...

can you please email me
your postal address and the card will be on its way to you.

You only have until Sunday evening to claim the card as I am going away very early on Monday and would like to post it to you before I go. 

In the event of the card not being claimed then I will re post it when I come back.  

But I already have another card scheduled for next the Friday Freebie ... and its not pink !!

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 07, 2014

Friday Freebie 032

Hi Everybody,

Todays Friday Freebie is a deviation from pink but I couldn't resist the flowers

This one is  the French Collection - Background by Sue Wilson  and I got mine from JGD Crafts

It is a beautiful intricate die and I have teamed it with the Labels Twenty   from Spellbinders.

I have used the pearly "Bling"  from Want2Scrap

I have been asked which card do I use to create my designs and I always use ...  for every aspect of cardmaking ... the White Hammered 255 gsm from the Papermill Direct

Now this is a UK based company and so you would need to check with them if they will ship to your country as card is very heavy to send

The verse is from Lili of the Valley  and is one of several on the same stamp sheet

The flowers and the bow sparkler are from Wild Orchid Crafts   and the beautiful satin ribbon is from Mei Flower

So if you would like to win this card then all you need to do is become a follower ... if you are not already .. and leave me a comment on the bottom of the post.  Then pop back tomorrow and see if your name is on the blog post.

If it is then you will have 48hours to let me know who you are so that I can send the card to you ... and it doesn't matter where you live I will send it anywhere for you.

I have started to leave the draw open until Saturday morning to give people in other countries the chance to enter ... I know when we are wide awake in the UK there are those of you in the land of Nod !!

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 06, 2014

Labels Thirty Nine ...

Hi Everybody,

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments and good wishes you all sent to me on the news of my trip to Phoenix.  I am so excited about this trip and I am all packed and ready to go already.

Yesterday I was asked a question about the new Labels Thirty Nine from Spellbinders

(Click the links to view the die sets)

This label has matching elements that go with it and the question I was asked was do you need to buy all three sets.

Well the answer is no you don't need to buy all of them as they all work independently of each other and with any other dies that you may have

Spellbinders number the dies with  #1 being the smallest

To make the card I have used the largest #5 from the basic Labels Thirty Nine  and cut it twice

One of them I have scored about 2 cms down on the widest part and glued the two together along this crease to form the base

I have cute the largest  #4 from the  Labels Thirty Nine - Decorative Elements 

Using other sizes from the both sets I have layered them together with foam tape to give some depth.

It is a quick and easy card to make and these two sets work really well to create the card.

If you wanted to you could add theses elements to a larger card and change the orientation for another look

But it is a size that fits perfectly onto a card stand and can be displayed by your recipient.

I hope that goes a little way to answering the question and if I was pushed then I would have to say that these two sets would be my choice

The butterflies have been very kindly sent to me ... from many of you ... in response to my statement that I had run out of them.

I have added in flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts
They have been sparkled with Glitter Magic
The round sentiment is from Lili of the Valley
The pearl flourish is from Want2Scrap

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 05, 2014

Exciting News ...

Hi Everybody,

On the 23rd October I was introduced as the new
for Spellbinders and many of you kindly left me comments on Spellbinders Blog Post.

Part of my new job is to show you how to get the very best from any Spellbinders  that you buy and to demonstrate them on Create and Craft TV

It has been a whirlwind for me and I have never been so busy ... and I am truly loving every minute of it

But one of the really exciting things that has happened is an invitation to attend the Ambassadors Retreat in Phoenix Arizona.

And so bright and early on Monday morning I shall be boarding an air plane and heading off to the USA for a week of work, fun and adventure.

I shall be meeting lots of new people and learning lots of new things .... and I can't wait ... especially to be meeting Stacey Caron who is the owner of Spellbinders

I will be taking my camera and  blogging about my trip so I hope you will pop back to read what I have been up to.

Only six more sleeps to go and then I will be ....   leaving on a Jet plane .... wish me luck

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 04, 2014

Video Tutorial ...

HI Everybody,

Here as promised is the video tutorial to show you how to get this look using the Glass Effects  from Spellbinders  and it is such an easy idea to recreate.

Choose the colors that you would like your card to be in and a separate color for the frame. I have used Silver Mirror Card for mine

Keep the colors pastel for all your female cards and go for the dark and dramatic for the male ones

Over the last couple of days I have shown you some color ways and ideas.

You can make your base card to fit the panel or you can add another to add to the top as I have done here.

On this card I have used the A2 Filigree Delight  in silver mirror card to frame the colored panel

And I have chosen one of the colors in the card to match the ribbon.

The sentiment on any of these cards can say exactly what you want it to say.

Add your colored panel to a larger base and it will look just as good.

Ring the changes by using Gold Mirror Card or even glitter card for another look.

Enjoy the tutorial for this fun technique.... it's not long

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 03, 2014

Diagonal Chevron ...

Hi Everybody,

Todays card is using the same techniques that was used in last Wednesdays Card Class and I showed you the photo of the card that Mary made yesterday.

So for this card I have used the  Diagonal Chevron   and stayed with pastel colors to make this a feminine card.

Dressed up with flowers from  Wild Orchid Crafts, ribbons and pearls from Want2Scrap    and there you have one very pretty and easy to make card.

But the same die,  and the same technique in other colors, could make this a card that is suitable for the men in your life.

Apart from a little ribbon with a dazzler in the centre there is nothing else that is frilly on this card at all.

Change the sentiment on either of the cards and it would be perfect for any occasion

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 02, 2014

Card Class ...

Hi Everybody,

Last Wednesday was Card Class day and I thought we would try something a little different.  Brenda couldn't be with us so Mary and I worked alone

This is using the  Glass Effects   from Spellbinders and we had such fun making this card.

Many of you have said that this is not a die that you would have first thought about buying  but having seen it in use you have now changed your mind.

The little technique is one I am going to get Griff to film so that you too can enjoy the look that it creates... and of course there are other ways to use it

Mary was really pleased with her card and it is much prettier in real life than the photo shows you.

The Card Class has been running now since May and each week I try to do something different.  And each week the ladies go home happy with their makes.

Some  weeks they have a recipient in mind for their cards and others they just keep for them selves.

But I think they have come on in leaps and bounds and we always have a good time which is what crafting is all about

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx  

November 01, 2014

Card winner today ...

Hi Everybody,

We are getting very lazy on Saturday mornings in my house as we lie in till about 8 ish and then laze around with breakfast and TV before getting into the spirit of doing something.

But that is the benefits of being retired and not having to get ready to go out to work on any day of the week.  So to all you newly retired people and those who have been retired for some time .... Count your blessings and enjoy your free time

Once we eventually got our selves into gear we did the draw for a winner of the Cerise pink card and the name this week is you ...

Jean Bullock 

and so if you can email me
your postal address please then I will get the card in the post to you straight away 

I hope you will like it and please let me know when it arrives with you.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx