
September 28, 2019

Card & Gift Winner

Hi Everybody,

Thank you for joining me on Craft Stash Facebook Live and YouTube yesterday and if you won one of the five prizes I hope you will enjoy them. I also introduced my new Christmas Collection and I am so pleased with these new items. 

There are some lovely big dies in there and they will make fantastic cards for all year round.

And now here we are again with another weekend and I have all sorts planned to keep me busy for the next few days. And the weather is looking kind this morning so I hope it stays this way.

The draw for the winner has been done and the name this week is ...

Pippa Price
would you email me your postal address please to
and the gift will be on it's way to you.

I am sorry there is no card to go with this weeks gift but the magazine should keep you occupied for some time. 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 27, 2019

Friday Freebie - Tonic Peace Dove

Hi Everybody,

Back to a Christmas theme for this weeks give away and have the Tonic Peace Dove in this pack.

Sadly I have no cards to go with the next few "Give Aways" but that doesn't stop you enjoying the gift.

I will be giving away the magazine though so that should keep you busy for a while.

The video with this gift is Tonic Peace Dove and I have shown you several ways in which I have used it. Would you like this die in your collection ? Then all you have to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post, with your FULL NAME please.

You will need to come back and check if it is your name that is shown as the winner and I will be adding it to a blog post over the weekend.  Then you will have 72 hours in which to claim it.

Good Luck everybody.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 25, 2019

Die Cutting Essentials 57- Memory Box Die Set

Hi Everybody,

I am adding a video today to tell you about this months edition of Die Cutting Essentials 57

The exclusive gift with the magazine is this lovely five piece die set from Memory Box

In the video I have shown you what all the individual dies will cut and there are lots of ways that they can be used.

The best thing to do is cut all the pieces out, from any new die that you get, and then play to see what looks good with what. Which die cut can be cut to give you another look ... what happens if you turn one round or even upside down.

There are many many ideas waiting for you to find them in all die cuts and at the end of the day it is only card and paper you are playing with. So enjoy the process and see what you can come up with.

Just to let you know that I will be on Craft Stash Facebook Live page this coming Friday at 1 pm so I hope you will pop along to visit and maybe leave a comment for me there too. 
I have some exciting new dies to share with you

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 22, 2019

Ruby - how she has grown ...

Hi Everyone,

It's me Ruby and I haven't been to talk to you all for a little while but a lot has happened in my life in the past year. 

I was born on the 17th August 2016 and this is me at nine weeks old ... now you must admit that I am rather cute and my dad decided to call me Ruby.

I have been so happy here and grown up into a really rather special dog. Well my mum tells me that I am.

I have a very special friend too called Dougal and he is only two weeks older than me and he is a Cockapoo.

We love playing together and we spend al lot of time with each other. He is bigger than me BUT I am the boss and he always lets me win whatever we do. 

Well nearly always !!

This is me in my new jacket getting ready to go for my first walk, after having all my injections. 

I was only 12 weeks old here and so excited to be going out into the big wide world.

There are a lot of scary things out there, but my mum and dad took care of me and I really enjoyed myself.

Now as I am older I love going for walks. and I sit and stare at my mum to make her feel guilty, so that she takes me out 

This is Dougal and me all dressed up and ready for our very first Christmas. I have wings on but you cant' see them in this photo.

Then after that came our fist birthday and we had doggy cake between us.It was lovely and we ate it all. 

I love Dougal and he is such good fun to be with whenever we go out. 

And each week we both go to Doggy Day Care and we love our "Aunty"  Sally who takes care of us while our mums are working.

Now this is me at One Year Old and haven't I grown up into a beautiful puppy.

This is the look I give my mum that makes her feel guilty to take me out. It never fails and she always gives in ... even if it's raining a little.

I haven't seen snow yet but I would like to, and then I can run around and roll in it and see how it feels.

So maybe this winter we will get a little bit and then I can tell you how it feels to me. 

This is Dougal and I at two years old. Isn't he such a handsome boy

We both go to the groomers regularly to have a bath and a haircut that keep us neat and tidy 

I like having a bath and I love going swimming and will take that chance whenever I can.
And that brings us up to present day, Here I am just turned three years old on the 17th August and I look so pretty.

I have lots of fun with my family and Dougal and I went on the walk up Snowdon with them all last weekend.

Today I am going for my first lesson at agility training, and that will be another adventure that I can share with you later.

My mum will have to run around with me as I am taught what to do. But when I went for trial run it was lovely and I enjoyed it very much.

I was tired and hungry when we had finished but I can't wait to go again

I will be back to tell you all about it 

See you soon

Love Ruby xxx

September 21, 2019

Card & Gift Winner

Hi Everybody,

This is a more relaxing way to spend a Saturday than last week climbing up Snowdon and it has taken me the best part of the week before my calf muscles stopped hurting. But everybody has felt the same way and they are all much younger than me ... so it's not just because I am a fossil !!

So the draw for yesterdays gift has been done and one name chosen as the winner and that is 
Maria  Alder
so if you could email me please with your postal address to
I can send the gift to you.

I hope you will enjoy playing with it and please let me know when you have the gift safe and sound.

My apologies about the video not working properly. It was my fault entirely by not adding the link correctly but it is now working as it should if you would like to go and view it.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 20, 2019

Friday Freebie - Festive Foliage

Hi Everybody,

Here we are again with another Friday Freebie and this one was done in a video only a few weeks ago

It is the Festive Foliage from Simply Made Crafts and created by Helen Griffin.

It will add some lovely adornments to your cards.

The video Festive Foliage will show you how I made the featured card and this card will be given away with the gift.

So if this is a gift that you would like to have then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post. Please use your FULL NAME and be sure to come back and check if it is your name that is shown in the blog post over the weekend. 

From those comments one name will be chosen as the winner and you will have 72 hours to notify me of your full address. 

Please can I also add that you leave your post post code and country. You may know where your town is but the post man doesn't so please add it to be sure of getting your prize.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 19, 2019

Papercraft Society Full Reveal ...

Hi Everybody,

Craft Stash have decided to put out a video to tell you all what is in the Papercraft Society Box, and as you may already know I am the first designer to be featured in this monthly kit.

Janette has done a fantastic job showing it to you and if you ordered your subscription then I hope you wont be too upset that it is being shown early. But we have had so many enquiries about what is inside that the video was done. Some people you see don't like surprises !!

Now if you do like surprises then you don't have to view this so either way the choice is yours .... but whatever you decide I don't think you will be disappointed 

Have fun with your Papercraft Society Box when it arrives and don't forget to show us what you have done with it. And most of all thank you for buying it without knowing what was in it or who was the designer of the kit in the first place

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 18, 2019

A5 Rectangular Nesting Set

Hi Everybody,

These are just some of the boxes that you can create from the 14 piece Rectangular Nesting Set.

They are part of my new collection of A5 dies and they are available at Craft Stash

In the video I have tried to show the different ways that this set can be used to create layers and frames for all your projects.

But you can also make some pretty boxes complete with lids which are especially useful with Christmas on the way.

The video will show you how I got all three of these boxes from the one set of dies and they are perfect for adding any kind of gift too.

The smaller dies can make personalised messages, verses or names to add to the box and you can decorate them however you would like to suit your recipient

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 17, 2019

Card & Gift Winner

Hi Everybody,

After a really lovely weekend I am back at home and as soon as I can get the photos off my phone I will share them with you. I am sad to say that I didn't make it to the summit. I got just over half way and then I had to admit defeat. It was really tough going and my ankles and back where so sore. 
But it was a lovely day and the weather was very kind to us.

But now that I am back at home I have added all the comments to the page and a winner has now been selected to be the new owner of the Piece by Piece Jigsaw Die

The winner is ...
Connie Griffin
would you email me your postal address please to
and the gift will be in the post to you

Please let me know that you have it safely and I hope you have fun with it

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 13, 2019

Friday Freebie - Piece by Piece

Hi Everybody,

Today's gift is this fun little Jig Saw Die Set called Piece by Piece.  It's not a big jigsaw but it is cute to add to your cards.

I store mine on a small piece of magnetic sheet so that I don't lose any of the pieces that are in the set.

The video Piece by Piece will show you some of the fun ways that I have used it to make bright and cheerful cards 

If you would like to have this set then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post with your FULL NAME please.

One name will be chosen from those comments so be sure to come back and check

Please Note

If you have followed my blog for some time then you will know that my husband Griff was a very proud Welshman and one of the things that he wanted to do this summer was walk up Snowdon with Ruby our Cocker Spaniel

Sadly he died last November but this weekend, as a family we are all going to Wales to attempt that walk in his memory. There will be the combined families and five dogs so wish us luck. 

The draw won't  be done now until next week and I won't be contactable for a few days. No mobile phone connection and no WiFi. Please don't worry if your comments are not showing as I cannot moderate them and add them. 
But they will be done fully before the draw is done ... giving you a little extra time to enter if you wanted this gift and giving everybody a fair chance 
 PLEASE DO NOT add your comment more than once just because it hasn't shown up

Hugs xx

September 12, 2019

Papercraft Society 3-D Projects

Hi Everybody,

This monthly box subscription will bring you all kinds of ideas that you may like to try and in this the first one you will find these lovely 3-D Projects inside the magazine. Each project ... and there are 15 of them, will take you step by step on how to re-create them for yourself

I hope you will enjoy making things for Christmas and beyond with the items that you will find inside. And don't forget that this is the first one next month you will have another designer to collect.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 11, 2019

Papercraft Society Sneaky Peak ...

Hi Everybody,

This new Papercraft Society box needs to be a surprise for those who have subscribed and so I can't tell you or show you the exact contents. But I can give you a sneaky peak as long as you don't tell anybody else !!

Here is a little look at a card created with some of the stamps that are on the sheet and there are many more for you to play with. There are dies and papers to help you even more and some lovely foiled sentiments too.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 10, 2019

Griffs Birthday

Hi Everybody,

Today is a very sad one for me as this would have been Griffs 72 birthday. 

And the first one we have had since he died last November

This is the wonderful and funny gentleman that I was married to,  with Ruby,  the Cocker Spaniel that he adored. 

He gave her the name and he loved her so much.

This photograph was taken last year when we went on holiday with Vickie and of course both dogs.

Ruby went swimming in this lake and Griff went "Water Skiing" on a stone at the side of water.

 It was often hard to get photos of Griff as he was the one that did all the pictures and videos wherever we went.

Here he is, with Ruby waiting patiently, as he cut up a big bone into smaller pieces for her to gnaw on. And this one kept her busy for hours.

Griff took her walking every morning at 9.45am, while I got some work done, and she looked for him for days when he was no longer there.

How can you explain to a little dog that her human is not coming back anymore.

 Now she follows me everywhere making sure that I don't leave her as well, and she has been a blessing to me.

So tonight Griffs daughters and my daughters with their husbands & partners, grand children and myself are all going out for a meal to celebrate his birthday.

And have a drink to remember the kind and generous person that he was and who never knew how to say "No" to anybody 

We ALL love you and miss you very much Griff

Hugs xx

September 09, 2019

Papercraft Society Papers

Hi Everybody,

This week is sharing with you what you can expect from the new monthly subscription box from the Papercraft Society. And at the risk of giving it all away I will be sharing so many sneaky peaks yu will get most of the information.

 And of course from me you can expect nothing less than flowers and pearls to decorate your creation with.. The papers and gold foiled toppers are lovely additions too and they are suitable for other occasions and not just Christmas.

So I hope you will take a look and see if it is for you, and next month another designer will be along to share their ideas with you.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 08, 2019

Papercraft Society

Hi Everybody,

This new monthly subscription is now well underway and so if you haven't seen what it is all about then here is a short video to show you. For more information visit 

It is a brand new concept from Practical Publishing and there are lots of goodies in the box for you to create some lovely cards.

A new designer will be featured each month with items from their range for you to play with and build up your own collections.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 07, 2019

Card & Gift Winner

Hi Everybody,

Hope you are all having a good weekend doing your favourite things with family and friends 

The weather is kind here at present and Ruby and I will be going out later. 

She hasn't been here to give you her updates for a while but she will be back especially when she starts her agility training. 

I am really looking forward to it though I will probably be very slow and unable to keep up with Ruby

The draw for the card and gift from yesterday has been done and the winner this week is ...

Loraine Long

would you email me your postal address please to
and they will be on their way to you.

Please let me know that you have them safely and I hope you enjoy playing with the dies.

More tomorrow 

Hugs xx

September 06, 2019

Friday Freebie - Holly & Ivy from CMM

Hi Everybody,

Here is another fabulous magazine gift from the wonderful and amazing Card Making Magic .... ME !!   (Joke)

Griff used to tell me "Don't blow your own trumpet" and I am sure that the UK readers will understand that remark. But I used to tell him if I don't blow it nobody else will ... hence the first paragraph.

I do love these gifts and this one can be used all year round for any of your projects.

This die is very snippable and you can use different portions of it to add to your floral displays and the video will show you some ideas on how I used it, and show you a fun Bokeh Effect background

If this is a gift that you would like then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post with your FULL NAME please

From those comments one name will be drawn and announced in a blog post over the weekend. 

So if you add your name then be sure to come back and check if your name is shown as you will oly have 72 hours in which to claim the gift

 More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 05, 2019

Die Cutting Essentials 56 Festive Foliage

Hi Everybody,,

This months Die Cutting Essentials is on today the 5th September 2019 and has this pretty gift with it for you to use on your Christmas cards.

It is called Festive Foliage and it could be used all year round to add to your floral displays.

I have stayed with traditional Christmas colours of red green and gold for this card and although it doesn't look it the gold is a lovely shiny bright gold

But you could make this card for spring or summer and stay with pastel colours instead and it would look just as pretty. Pop it into a box to match for double the effect.

And don't forget that the gifts I show you each week, end up later being the Friday Freebies along with the card that is made.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 04, 2019

Papercraft Society

Hi Everybody,

This is a brand new idea that is being launched this month through the Craft Stash website

So allow me introduce to you the very fist box from the Papercraft Society

It is a monthly subscription that will feature a different designer each time and I am so proud to be involved and to be the first one.

Inside the box you will find all the kind of items that I like to add to my cards ... like flowers and pearls.

There are also other quality items that you can collect each month to build up your own crafting stash such as pens or colourful Hybrid Inks from the USA

There are several ways that you can subscribe too and for more information pay a visit to  
Papercraft Society
(This link will take you to the page for more information)

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

September 02, 2019

Wedding Wishes in cream and gold

Hi Everybody,

This pretty card in cream and gold was made to wish somebody a 
Happy Wedding Day 
and it is much better in the hand than the photograph shows.

The gold has a very subtle sheen to it and peeps through the Lacey Ribbon Border die.

You would need to make a box for this type of card as the flowers add such a lot of depth to it and you don't want to spoil the look by squashing them flat 

Decorate the box to match and you have something really pretty to give to the happy couple on their special day.

The flowers are a mixture of roses and rose buds in different sizes and they have all been added to an oval base.

The little hearts have been added with foam pads from the same gold card.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx