
February 05, 2013

Wish Me Luck ....

Hi Everybody,

When I offered the Blending Tools as a "Give Away" I was overwhelmed by the response. 
And so pleased that many of you wanted to buy them if you didn't win the Freebies.  

Blenders For Sale
It was because of this encouragement from you that my "Film Crew" took off one hat and donned another as   "Chief  Blending Tool Maker" 

He has been very busy making some for you.

He has been researching materials to give you the best price we can... and a design that is comfortable to use.

And I have been researching  how to open a shop.

Today is the day that I am asking you all to keep your fingers crossed because today is the day that I have launched 

There are five blenders in each pack and they come complete with Foam and Felt pads for the different applications you may want to do.... and they are very well priced at £12.50 for a pack.

So I hope you will click the   " My Shop"   link and  pop over to take a look.  Cross your fingers and toes and hope that this new adventure is a good one.

This is where you will find  the "Give Away"   .... but please join the band of followers,  leave me a comment and no duplicates please as they will be removed.

Hugs xx


  1. How exciting! Congratulations on opening your shop. I hope you have all the success you wish for yourself. Best of luck for the future. xx Jan

  2. Bon voyage and good luck on the new adventure

  3. Well done to you and Film Crew - sorry Chief Blending Tool Maker! Best of luck!
    Cathy - Ireland

  4. Just made my purchase!
    Cathy - Ireland

  5. Have just ordered my blenders, look forward to receiving them thank you again Christina also big thanks to Mr film crew/ chief blending tool maker lol x

  6. Wishing you the very best of luck in the opening of your shop.
    Today blending tools; tomorrow homemade sanding blocks..........maybe :} (was just a thought)
    Great things are coming your way.

  7. Good Luck with your new shop Christina. I hope it goes well for you. I didn't see the p&p charges listed anywhere.

  8. Congratulations on opening your shop Christina -another exciting step for you! Mr "Chief Blending Tool Maker" must have been working very hard to get them all made. I've ordered a pack so will report back once I've used them! Pat x

  9. Wishing you lots of luck in your new venture.
    don't know if I was your first customer but my order is in.


  10. Congratulations and good luck with your new Shop!

  11. I love that there is always excitment in your life, congrats on your new shop!!!! I am off to check it out. Tell the film crew to be extra careful using them tools... hugs

  12. oh good luck in your next big venture, I bet you did not think this was all going to happen when you first began your journey!!

  13. Congratulations to you both and wishing you the best of luck. I know you'll do well!

  14. Congratulation on your own shop...wish the best for you and your film crew....

  15. Wow, cant wait to see your film crews next project. You could do die cuts for folk who dont have a die cutting machine although you would have arm ache by the end of the day ;)

  16. Congratulations on your new venture, Christina!! I'm sure it will be a huge success for both of you!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  17. Congratulations on your shop and great new year. Your projects are always such an inspiration and always make my jaw drop in awe. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us.
    Artsychik Jeanne

  18. Many thanks Christina for all the info that you put on your web site and your blog. I have found them wonderful.

  19. Christina how wonderful for you... I really hope that your shop goes from strength to strength. I love your cards and get loads of inspiration from them.

    Sue x

  20. Fantastic .. Congrats on your new shop All the very best xxxx

  21. Good Luck Christina ... Blessings Von (AKA Cecilia)

  22. I have talked to you a lot lately, ever since I found your webpage. You are an excellent teacher & I have learned so much in such a short time. Thank you.


  23. hi christina i am a follower , and i so enjou your blog and the facebook page but to scarted to write to you, or make a challenge in your blog your work is so stunning and so wow. thank you so much for all the idea you give me. have fun with this and i am back in my corner agian. love magi from austalien.


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