
March 10, 2013

Going, going ...

Hi Everybody,

Over the year I try out many products, techniques, materials and styles of cardmaking for Card Making Magic and as  result I end up with lots and lots of cards.... and I mean lots of cards.

I am sent some of the products by companies for me to try out,  and to see what I think of them,  and then to tell you about it if the product is a good one.

And I may need to make 6/10/12 cards from that one thing to give a valued opinion ... so you can see why I end up with so many.

I use many of my cards to send out to relatives and friends over the year and then at Christmas time I make decorated boxes,  and fill them with cards.

Each of our four girls is given one,  and then they have cards to send to their own friends through the next year.

Now yesterday was a dull and wet sort of a day and so I had a grand clear out of my craft room and sorted out all the cards.

 There are almost 200 hundred cards here.

60 of them in boxes, and the rest, complete with envelopes are in cellophane packets and they are all  going ... going ... gone to a local charity that I support.

They then sell them to raise money for their own charity which is
 Donnas' Dream House  in Blackpool
 and this gives a holiday to a sick child and their family.    

And Card Making Magic is proud to be a sponsor of this wonderful house and the work they do. 

Hugs xx


  1. Well done Christina. Not many people would be so charitable. My son was diagnosed with Cancer 2 years ago (on his 21st birthday) so I sell all my cards to friends and neighbours and all the money goes to Cancer.

  2. Christina, this is a great charity to give them to. As you know I give nearly all mine to charity here too. I hope that all the charities raise lots of money through selling them, yours especially as they are so beautiful. Unfortunately, people dont want to pay alot for a handmade card , they dont think about all the work gone into making it. But at least we get a load of enjoyment making them!!!!xxxx

  3. What a great way to pass on your lovely cards Christina. I like the idea of boxed cards for gifts. I am also looking for a charity that I can send to easily from over here in France. Thanks as ever for your great inspiration. xx

  4. a lovely few ideas, never thought of putting a few cards into a box to give as presents, one way of getting rid of a few not needed !! I also give some to charity when I have a clean out..

  5. I often wonder what 'serial bloggers' like you do with all the cards they make :) - thanks for telling us.

    I have done this a couple of times, made boxes of cards to give to family for their use - even got one of my own back to me on my birthday this year!

    I should look out a local charity to support like this - I know there are so many worthy ones around. Have a great day, Joanna

  6. I think it is wonderful that you support Donna's Dream House. We don't have anything like that in our area but I wish we did.

    Your cards look lovely!

  7. Christina that is certianly a load of cards! It is so nice you are giving them to a charity... this inspires me to do the same..thank you for sharing!
    I shared your products on my blog today for I made a card using them.. just love what you do!

  8. Wow, what a great idea! Such a worthy cause to...I am sure they appreciate it! Anyone would love your cards...way to go!
    Sherrie K

  9. Wow, now that's picture of alot of cards. I think it's great that you give to the charity. It always pays to pay it forward!

    Happy Sunday
    Chris B

  10. I'm sure they appreciate your donations. Your cards are awesome.

  11. Good evening Christina,

    I bet Donna's Dream House were over the moon with your donation. The cards fairly mount up over the year. It is great to give them to a place who can use the proceeds for great things.

    Happy Crafting,

    Patricia xxx

  12. What an awesome way to use those extra cards!

  13. That is a wonderful idea. God bless.

  14. That is fantastic that your cards have gone to such a good cause. They will have no problem selling your beautiful cards either. A very kind and thoughtful deed.
    Lynn x

  15. Christina. What a wonderful person you are to such a wonderful thing. A beautiful act of kindness. Many thanks for all the tips and tricks that you have on your sites and on your blog. They are awesome.
    I like many others make cards, gift boxes and albums. And many other things to suppliment my pension. I am a 57 yrs young and my husband has a congenial eyes dies that is inoperable and has led to blindness. I find creating with paper is a wonderful way to channel myself and make a few dollars along the way. So thank you very much and wish you many many blessing.

  16. What a wonderful thought Christina

  17. That's wonderful that you pass them on to charity and it sounds like such a worthwhile one. I am sure that whoever ends up with the card(s) is really happy.

  18. Morning Christina

    What a fabulous idea to use your cards in this way...think all crafters have cards that we make whilst playing and are not sure what to do with

    Sue x

  19. What a good idea well done Christina!

  20. Fabulous idea! I intend to do the same when I get better at card making!

  21. Great idea Christina - I give cards to two different charities too, it's a great way of having the fun making the cards and them raising money for good causes!

  22. Christina, that's absolutely fabulous. Each month I supply at least a dozen 'thank you' cards to the oncology ward of our local hospital. It doesn't take a lot of time, and doesn't cost a ton, but it brings a great deal of satisfaction.

    I'll bet Donna's Dream House were thrilled to bits!


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