
April 27, 2013

A New Winner....

Hi Everybody,

Thank you so much for everybodies input over my question yesterday.  I have given it until now to see if I had an address and still nothing has come through.... so I am sorry Carol Sue but the prize has now gone to someone else.

 At 4 pm a new draw was performed randomly by InLinkz and the new winner is .....

Ann H

You will have had an email from Inlinkz notifying you of your win but will you  please send me your land address as soon as you can and I will send you the Wild Orchid Flowers that you have now won in the April "Give Away"

Hugs xx


  1. Congratulations Ann H on the win.
    Carol Sue's loss and your gain

  2. well done Ann H, lets hope she checks her emails and facebook!! x

  3. Well done Ann, I'm sure you will take great pleasure in using these gorgeous flowers! Christine x

  4. Well done Christina, you handled that perfectly. Love your cards.


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