
June 30, 2014

Embroidered Striplet

Hi Everybody,

This lovely card is created using the Embroidered Striplet by Sue Wilson from JGD Crafts

It is a beautiful die that comes in two parts.  It has an outed cutting edge and an inner one that will just cut the pattern but leave it in the card

It  is 6" long and 2 1/2 wide and here I have used it twice side by side to cut the pattern in my background

The outer edge is cut from the Cordoba from the Spanish Collection and that leaves a pattern in what would normally be the waste.

These dies are simply beautiful and there is so much that can be done with them.

The ribbon is styled with  the Ribbon loops and it looks lovely with the silver colored buckle.

Altogether a very striking and very pink card !!

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 29, 2014

Wednesday Card Class ...

Hi Everybody,

The week that I was ill I had to cancel the Wednesday  Card Class and I was so sorry to let my two ladies down.

 I would have been no use to them at all .... but last week the class went ahead and we really enjoyed the card we made and this is what it looked like

We stamped and embossed the sentiment  from Crafters Companion to add as the focal point to the design

And then  arranged the flowers  from Wild Orchid Crafts  around it.

I have their permission to show you the cards and I am beginning to know their individual  preferences.

Mary likes the paler colors while Brenda chooses the dark dramatic ones.

Both of these cards are lovely and at the end of the class I pop the cards in a cellophane bag for them and off they go with cards and smiles.

It is a card I made in a video tutorial a good few years ago now and  here is the link to the page and the video on my website .....  Tilt Card Tutorial    

It looks complicated ... but it is actually one of the easiest folds you can do.  And if you give it a try then you can make pretty cards just like Mary and Brenda

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 28, 2014

Video Boy ...

Hi Everybody,

This is another of the images that I bought from Mos Digital Pencil and this is Video Boy.

Colors used ...

Skin    FS2 FS3 FS4
Hair    GB8  EB7 EB8
Jeans  TB3  TB5 TB6  TB8
Shirt    DG2 CG2 LG2 LG4
Shoes  IG2 IG4

I am happy that the color lists are helping  some of you with your coloring ... and this image  is colored with pens only.

I have been asked why do I use the pencils and do they have to be used with the pens.

The pencils are a stand alone product that will give you excellent results with your blends and that is especially good if you are a beginner at coloring.
So the answer is  ... "No they don't have to be used with the pens"

The  answer  to why I use  them is  because when used with the  pens to enhance the work the result is amazing.

They are soft and waxy and very easy to work with and will give you a lovely soft look.   They can be blended with paper stumps and also blending fluid  which will give you another look.

I am planning some video tutorials to show you how to get the best from  pens and pencils, working with each on their own and also together

Pens can give you some lovely effects on your designs and pencils can bring out even more detail in your coloring and the result will make you really proud of your work.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

The Card Winner is ...

Hi Everybody,

Thank you all for the comments that you have left about this lovely red card and the draw has been done by my trusty "Film Crew"  It would seem that red is a popular color and quite a few of you wanted this particular one.

But there can only be one winner and on this occasion it is you  ...

Lea Brawn

So now  you have 48 hours to claim the card and I need you to send me your postal address

Email me ...  ... and it will  be in the post just as soon as I can.  

Please let me know when it arrives with you and I hope you will like it.

More Later ...

Hugs xx

June 27, 2014

Friday Freebie 015

Hi Everybody,

How about this very vibrant card for todays FF card ... which is much better in real life than the picture shows.

I have changed the two small stick pins in the bow for a much more elaborate one with a glass bead and a red pearl and I don't think you will be disappointed with it.

Kim in Glasgow ... who is new to the blog asked if I make the hatpins and Yes I do and there is a tutorial on my website to show you how I do them ...
Decorative Hatpins 

If you would like this card to be winding it's way to you then all you have to do is leave me a comment at the bottom of the page.
And at the end of the day Griff will draw a name and the winner will be announced in the morning.

So please ... if you add your name then do come back and check to see if you are the winner.

You will have 48 hours to claim  the card if you are the winner.

You will need to email me  your postal address to ... ... and within days it will be with you

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 26, 2014

Another way with Ribbons ...

Hi Everybody,

I have shown you this card before but the main reason for showing it again is because I was asked by people new to card making how to do the ribbon loops

So here is another video on the simple way to add ribbons other than in a bow ... a must for those who hate to tie bows

Whichever way you decide to add the ribbon it will look just as pretty

In the lilac card I have used a diamanté buckle but in the blue card I have only added a diamanté and pearls centre.

And you can add as many loops to your design as you wish and make them what ever size you like too.

You could also mix and match ribbons instead of using all the same one and that would give you the chance to use up any left over pieces you may have in your "Stash"

You can add the loops with or without the tails for another look and then just glue them in place.

I use a hot glue gun as it gives a really strong bond and I am not worried that the bows, flowers, embellishments of loops will fall off.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 25, 2014

Those Babies ...

Hi Everybody,

The other day I added a photo of Baby Bow from Mo's digital Pencil and I gave the color list of the Spectrum Noir Pens used for the pink baby.   I   had several emails  asking if I would list  the colors of the other babies  too and so here  they are

Lilac Baby colors used ...

Skin FS2  FS4  FS5 ... gives a nice peaches and cream skin tone
Hair GB1 GB8  Pencils 086
Tutu  LV1 PL1 PL2

Yellow Baby colors used ...

Skin FS2  FS4   FS5
Hair Pencils 086  090  100  102
Tutu  CT2 CT3 CT4 OR1

Blue Baby colors used ...

Skin FS2  FS4   FS5
Hair GB1  GB8  Pencils  086  090
Tutu  TB1 TB3   Pencils   069  070  074

Pink Baby colors used ...

Skin FS2  FS4  FS5
Hair TN7  TN8  EB8
Tutu   PP1  PP3  PP4

Hope that helps you

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 24, 2014

Fun Card ...

Hi Everybody,

This is not a new technique it has been around for many many years.

It is one way of adding a marble effect to your card but a lot cheaper than the marbling kits that are on the market

I have done tutorials on using it in the past but this is bringing it up to date with some added extras

I have not used any special card either just the  White Linen effect one I use all the time for my bases from the Papermill Direct

It looks very effective and is one way to get your background to match the rest of your card ... ideal when you are searching for a paper that will go with your design

I have added in a pearly hat pin to this card and the diamanté "Bling" is from Want2Scrap

So this is the shaving foam technique in a short video format and I hope you will enjoy it as much as you have told me you are enjoying the others that I have added.

Thank you for the many comments,  emails and Facebook messages I get it is much appreciated and I hope you will give this fun technique a try ... even if it is messy

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 23, 2014

Adding the Pearl Sprays to Cards

Hi Everybody,

So yesterdays  video was how to create the pearl sprays for yourself and todays is showing how I added one of them to my card.

It is an easy but effective  way to make these little embellishments
and then I have added them with a hot glue gun.

I have simply pushed them into a flower display and the effect is very pretty ... but to buy these sprays in the shops can set you back a pretty penny.

You can add three or five beads ... or as many as you want to create your spray.

The card is created in the Hinged Card style and the filigree die is the Sue Wilson Seville from  JGD Crafts 

The close up shows you how it looks and I will certainly be adding them as an alternative decoration to some of my cards

I hope you enjoy the video and will give this idea a whirl and I will be back with more ideas soon

Yesterday I explained to you about why it is important to add the watermark to your creations and  Sue's Scrapping Memories asked me about it.

It is from Whimsy Stamps and the link will take you straight to the Watermarks   

 You can choose the style, font, color,size add your name and website to the mark.

They cost $5 (about £3.50 GBP)  and for that you get the watermark that is seen on my cards AND the signature that can be seen at the bottom of my web pages  (Not the blog signature)

So a real bargain and the choices are beautiful

More tomorrow ...


June 22, 2014

Creating the pearl sprays ...

Hi Everybody,

As you will know by now,  if you read my pages regularly,  that I love adding embellishments to my designs.

I am most definitely a More is More kind of card maker and I am proud to admit it.

I know how to make the clean and simple cards .... I just choose not to.

So a short while ago I added some pearl sprays to some of my cards and I had quite a few emails asking me where I got them from.

Well the answer is ... I made them and I have also made a video to show you the simple technique to make your own.

They came about  because I bought some  beads to  make my hatpins  and the  hole in the  bead was too small for the  pin to go through.

Well I couldn't  waste  them as so had to play and see what else I could  come up with

This is one idea  and I will film more  as I go along  and then maybe it  will help you  to use up some of the  smaller beads that you have  sitting there  staring at you and  you don't know  what to do with them.

On  the video I added  4 mm beads in fives to my spray but the ones in the photo are 6 mm beads added in threes.

The size of the  wire is an unknown quantity  as all I asked for in  Hobby Craft was  the type of  wire to make pearls  sprays and this is what she  gave me ...  and stupidly I threw the packet  away.

I know I know ....  idiot  ... but then   I didn't know  that others  would want to  know how  I did them.   I won't do it again ... promise ...  now can I come out of the  naughty corner ???

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 21, 2014

Same Image ... four looks

Hi Everybody,

I wanted to show you the different looks that can be achieved with different color combinations for hair and clothes but using just one image to illustrate the point.

The image is called  Baby Bow and it is from Mos Digital Pencil.

I have used a mixture of   Spectrum Noir  pens and pencils to achieve the look.

The full  selection  of pens and pencils  can be bought from  JGD Crafts

The cards have  all been made  to the same  Hinged Style  and they  all have been  matted and  layered with color  coordinating card and papers to compliment  the image.

Each one has had the Tutus, headbands  and ballet shoes  of the baby glittered  and I have added matching ribbon to each one also.

Each of the cards has the addition of a matching pearlised Rose and they are from Samaflora 

All of Sams' flowers are hand made and she creates new ones regularly.

They are in beuatiful colors so please pop over there and take a look ... and tell her I sent you.

I hope the addition of the watermark does not spoil your view of the card but it is becoming increasingly  important for a watermark to be added to any cards that you color in.

It is apparent that the colored images are being stolen and then re used as someone elses work on cards that they claim as their own and so the watermark helps to stop this theft  ... and  protects not  only  my/your  work  but the artists work as well.

The colors I have used for the pink image have been pens only and they are ...
Skin   FS2   FS4  FS5
Hair   TN2  TN7  TN8 with brush nibs
Tutu   PP1  PP3  PP4

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

And the winner is ...

Hi Everybody,

Thank you all so much for the comments that you leave me and I am very happy that so many of you would like to own a card that I have made.

And so the draw has  been done and a name  pulled from the  hat and this  card is going to come  and live with you  ...

Bejay Roles

So now I need you to email me ...  ... and send me your postal address and the card will be in the post for you straight away.  I hope you will like the card and let me know when it arrives safely with you. 

Another post will be added later today ...

Hugs xx

June 20, 2014

Friday Freebie Card 014

Hi Everybody,

Todays card is another of those peachy colors with beautiful matching flowers in orange,  peach and white all sparkled up with fine glitter from Glitter Magic

The arrangement of flowers are a mixture from Wild Orchid Crafts  and they have new flowers in all the time ... and at present there is 10% off to tempt you.

The background to this is the  Botanical Swirls  and there is a video to show you how this die works ... just click the link to go to the page.

The ribbon is from my "Stash" and I have added in tiny gemstones over the knot.

So if this is a card that you would like to own then all you have to do is leave me a comment.  Then in the morning my "Film Crew" will draw a name form the hat and I will add it to a Blog post for the day.

The winner will have 48 hours to email me with their name and postal address and the card will be on the way.

  If you leave me a comment then please don't forget to come back and check if you are the winner

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 19, 2014

Creating a Side Step Card.

Hi Everybody,

Todays card is another one featuring the Mos Digital Pencil image called Joanie  ...

But the main reason for the card is not the coloring this time but the actual fold.

I have done a video to show you what I did to get the fold and how the rest of the card is created.

It is very easy to do ... just a couple of cuts and some folding and then it all just pushes into shape.

The video is not long and you can hear the croakiness in my voice.

The chest infection I have is lingering on and today it was back to the doctors.

Still I hope it won't spoil your enjoyment of the tutorial

The flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts  along with the centre to the bow.

They have been  sparkled with   Glitter Magic  Chameleon glitter.   The satin ribbon is from Mei Flower    The butterflies were on a roll from the craft show and I don't know who makes them  Sorreeee !

On the website you can find other stepper card tutorials but they aren't  videos  ...  Yet !!

So there you have plenty to keep you amused for a little while

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 18, 2014

Strongman !!

Hi Everybody,

Here  for your  amusement is my  Strongman Image from  Just Inklined ... and I think he is wonderful.

It is from the CD "The Next Big Thing" which sadly is no longer available.

Spectrum Noir Colors Used ...
Skin FS3 FS4 TN2 
Hair/Boots IG4 IG6 IG8
Leotard 060 059 108 044 114 116 118

The weights bar was created from a  BBQ stick colored with SN True Black and black card for weights on either side

I had so much fun coloring in this fella and I am really pleased with the way he turned out.  

The Birthday stamp was free with a magazine subscription and the embossing is the Bricks and Bark from Spellbinders

I  am  happy that the  color lists for the  pens and pencils  being used is  useful to  many of you and  thanks for  letting me  know 

More  tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 17, 2014

Mum ! Can you make me ....

Hi Everybody,

This must be a  plea that most of us have heard on a regular basis ... and this one came from my youngest daughter two days before we were going away on our train adventure.

She wanted a wedding card in rose pink with flowers, glitter and a matching box ... so not much there then !!

So here is what I created for her to give to her friends on their wedding day and I hope they liked it.

The ribbon is wired and makes beautiful bows

The dies I have used are from the Californian Collection by Sue Wilson

I got all mine from  JGDCrafts   They are a UK company but they will ship around the world

The flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts  and they have a wonderful selection to choose from

They have been sparkled with Glitter Magic

I made the box to compliment the card and added the ribbon around it ... both bows have a diamante and pearls sparkler in the centres

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 16, 2014

New Digi Stamps ...

Hi Everybody,

Yesterday I bought some new digital stamps from Mo's Digital Pencil  and this image is called Joanie.

Spectrum Noir Colors used ...
Skin             FS2 FS3 TN2
Hair             GB5 GB8 EB8
Dungarees   TB1 TB3 TB4
T Shirt          PP1 PP3

I shall have fun coloring up the rest of my purchases and adding them to Blog posts  as I make them into cards.

The card itself is created in the hinged card style   and I have used the 5x7 Matting basics sets A & B

The only decoration on the card is ribbon from Mei Flower  with a little dazzler in the centre from Wild Orchid Crafts  .... not a flower in sight.

The prize for the June "Give Away" has not been claimed yet so if you don't get a move on
Gill Mc  .....    it will be going to someone else 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 15, 2014

June Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

The Friday Freebie cards has been claimed and will be on its way in the morning.  It is always good when they are claimed straight away as it saves any problems.

So today the draw has been done at random,  by InLinkz,   for the winner of all the "Goodies" on offer for June and she will have been notified by them of her win.  The name that was chosen was ...

Gill Mc

I need you to send me your postal address I will get the prize in the post to you straight away.  You have 48 hours to claim it and then it will be offered to someone else.  Email me ...


This card is created in cream and gold and  I have used the frame from Spellbinders and backed it with some acetate to make the church window.

White roses from Wild Orchid Crafts sit along the window ledge and the sparkler in the centre of the bow is also from WOC

The wide satin ribbon is soft and easy to tie and from Mei Flower 

The fine glitter to add that special touch to the flowers is from Glitter Magic

The beautiful pearl flourish is added as a finishing touch and it is from Want2Scrap

A pretty card that could be for any occasion.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 14, 2014

Number thirteen ...

Hi Everybody,

Number thirteen may be a number that some people are superstitious about but it is a number that has never bothered me ... I  lived at a number thirteen and it was the prettiest bungalow we bought when we lived in Cornwall.

And so the winner of Card 013 is you .....

Sue Dunn

I need you to email me ... ... with your postal address and the card will be on its way to you ... and I hope you will like it when it arrives with you.

And don't forget that there is still time to enter for the  "June Give Away"   as that is running for the rest of today and the winner for that prize will be announced tomorrow

So add your name while you can.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 13, 2014

Friday Freebie Card 013

Hi Everybody,

Todays card is the 13th card I have offered as a freebie and it is Friday 13th too

But there is no need to be superstitious about winning this card as it is really a very pretty one to have.

It has all my favorite items added to it in the shape of flowers, ribbons and pearls ... and it's pink

The flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts  and I have used some punched leaves to frame them.

They are sparkled up with fine glitter from Glitter Magic

The verse is from Crafters Companion and is from their Sentimentals Range

The embossing is from the Tied Together folder and I have used tiny pearls on all the cross sections and they are from Want2Scrap.

So if you would like to win this card then all you have to do is leave me a comment.

At the end of the day my "Film Crew" will draw a name from the hat and the winner will be announced in the mornings Blog post

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 12, 2014

Aren't they clever ??

Hi Everybody,

Yesterday was week 8 of the card class that I run in my home and this is what my two ladies have produced this week.

They are taken step by step  through each stage  but they decide ... with a little guidance ... where they want to place each piece

Along the way they can choose the color scheme for card, ribbons and flowers.

I provide the items that they need for each card and they are so pleased with what they are doing.  It is a lovely way to spend an afternoon

But not once have we finished on time ... we manage to over run each week as we all seem to get lost in the project ... and chatting too.

I think that these cards are beautiful and the ladies are fun to be with. They are enthusiastic and they seem to love the cards that they are making.  So there will be another class next week.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 11, 2014

Spectrum Noir

Hi Everybody,

Todays card is using the Spectrum Noir Pens and pencils on an image from Saturated Canary

Colors used ...
Skin     FS2 FS3 TN2 CR1
Hair     TN2 TN7 TN8  Pencils 97  98  002
Dress    LV1 LV2 LV3  Pencils  70  81

And the pencils really do make such a difference when used to accentuate areas of the image.

They are very easy to blend  ... with or without blending solution  ... and they have a soft waxy consistency to them

I have left the sentiment off as it could be for any occasion and can be added later ... but it is a pretty card that would suit many age groups.

How you dress up the card is a matter of choice but get out those pens and keep practising and if you can afford the pencils then they are well worth collecting.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 10, 2014

Faux Quilled Blooms and Leaves

Hi Everybody,

Another in blue and I promise I will use another color after this one.

But this blue card has caused many emails as a lot of you seem to like this shade as well.

It is from Limetree Crafts.  I buy their card from the craft shows and it is always good value for money...but the link to their website is not working at present

So there are more new dies used on this card and they are all from the Finishing Touches by Sue Wilson.

I have used  Faux  Quilled  Leaves,  Faux  Quilled Blooms  and  the  Fern  Trio and   I got all of these dies from   JGD Crafts

The ribbon is from   Mei Flower   and I have added ribbon loops with a large pearl and diamante centre which is from Wild Orchid Crafts

The pearls in the centre of each bloom are from Want2Scrap  and it makes for a very pretty card.

Book a Workshop 

Now  something I want to share with you ...  and that  is that  I have had  two  invitations  to run workshops using the  Spectrum Noir  Coloring System.

One is 13th September for JGD Crafts and they are based in Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottingham  and that class is already fully booked.

The other is 4th October for Crafting 4pleasure and they are based in Bristol ... so if you live in the area and would like to attend the workshop then email  Bev at   

There are some places still available so email now  to secure your place, bring your pens along  and I'll see you there

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 09, 2014

Tied Together Die ...

Hi Everybody,

There are two new dies used on this card. One is the Tied Together Ornamental die and the other is the Faux Quilled Leaves by Sue Wilson.

Both are gorgeous dies and both are from JGD Crafts   and although this is a UK based company they are happy to ship abroad.

So well worth a visit if you are having trouble buying craft items in your part of the world.

Here I have used it with the beautiful shade of blue that I really have grown to like and I have created a frame around the pattern.

I have used foam pads in between all the layers to give some depth to the card and wrapped the gingham ribbon around it all.  Tiny blue pearls sit at all the cross sections.

The ribbon is from MeiFlower  and there is a pearl and diamnate centre from Wild Orchid Crafts  in the centre of the double bow

The flowers are also from WOC and as usual they are sparkled with fine glitter from Glitter Magic ... these two products go hand in hand for me.

The stamp was a freebie with Simply Cards and Papercrafts Magazine and it will come in very useful

You have the opportunity to win some flowers and glitter along with a lovely Sheen Douglass stamp and all you need to do is become a follower and  add your name to the list ... but only once please as duplicates will be removed .... June Give Away

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx