
April 11, 2015

Card Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

Up bright and early this morning and lots to do.  Some of you will be going to Alexander Palace his weekend to the big craft show that is on and I so envy you .... wish I was going too.

I hope you all have a good time and manage to buy all the goodies that you want.  And even though the weather has turned a little cold again you will still be warm and dry as you browse around all those wonderful stalls.

So the draw fro yesterdays lovely pink card has been done and this one is coming to live with you ....

Margaret Wilson
I need you to email me ...
with your postal address and I will get the card in the post to you straight away.

I hope that you will like it and please let me know when it arrives with you

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Huge Congratulations Margaret, it is a beautiful card enjoy !
    Elaine H X

  2. congratulations Margaret what a beautiful card you won.

  3. Yay Margaret….. Lucky You!!! You kept your fingers crossed and you won a most beautiful Christina Card!!! I know you will treasure it and enjoy it for a long time to come. Well done.

    Good Morning Christina :) I hope your busy day is filled with fun busy stuff. Enjoy a lovely day.

  4. Cant believe my luck - this one is definitely staying with me. Thank you. xxxx

  5. Congrats Margaret for winning one of Christina card

  6. Congratulations Margaret Wilson, I am quite envious as this is sooo lovely! They all are mind but this one is particularly so! I am sure you will gain much pleasure for your prize, enjoy!
    Karen xx

  7. Thanks for all the congrats.I have been smiling all day. Wrote my e mail and had to go back to the blog to make sure it really was my name before I sent it!! Good luck for next week -fingers crossed worked for once!! xx

  8. Congratulations to the winner, a beautiful card.
    Di B

  9. Well done Margaret You will love it, such a beautiful card. Enjoy your day Christina. You are such a lovely. talented and thoughtful lady.

  10. Congratulations Margaret !

  11. Hi Margaret, congratulations on winning the Friday freebie, it takes a while for it to sink in that you have actually won a Christina card, I was last weeks winner and I am so delighted about it. Enjoy it when it arrives.
    Regards Liz.


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