
April 18, 2015

Todays Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

First I would like to say "Thank You" to all of you who add your names to my Friday Freebie list to win one of my cards.   It is very humbling to know that so many of you would like one. And those who have own one and then written to say how much you like the one you have.

So once again the draw has been done by my "Film Crew" to choose the winner for this weeks pale blue card.  The name chosen is you ...

Lyn Nash
can you email me please
with your postal address and the card will be on it's way to you

A Little Story ...

Made For Me
This card is not on offer as a freebie because it is one that was  Made For Me by a lady called Margaret.

I met Margaret at the GNPE craft show in Harrogate

Margaret told me that the previous year she had walked all around looking at the stall holders because she knew I was there and she thought I would have a stall.

Eventually she realised that I didn't and so this year she wandered around looking at the visitors and was delighted when she found me.  It was a lovely moment and I was so happy to meet her and several other ladies who recognised me

Margaret made the card and put a lovely note inside it to thank me for the things she has learned from the blog and my website.  She also told me that after she had spotted me she went round again and this time she bought things she needed 

Can I just say that it is my pleasure to share and you are all so very welcome ... you ALL simply make my day.

And one last note I will be on Create and Craft next Saturday at 4 pm and Sunday at 12 noon so I hope you will come and join me then

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Well done Lyn. enjoy
    Elaine H X

  2. What a wonderful surprize I got this morning when I saw my name in print as winner of the lovely blue card. Thank you so much Christina and your film crew I am delighted. I have sent my address via seperate mail
    Hugs, Lyn xxx

  3. congratulations to Lyn. enjoy your "Christina card". i see mine every day as it is on display for all to see. i was the 41st winner and so very happy i won. i am very proud to have your card Christina and it inspires me so much. what a lovely story about Margaret . i am so glad she found you there. she would have been thrilled. her card is beautiful. i thank you too for helping me so much to improve on what i can do. best wishes to you and your family.xx

  4. Lyn ~ what a lucky, lucky girl!!! You won a most beautiful Christina Card!! I know you will treasure it and enjoy it for a long time to come. I have mine framed in my crafting area and I'm so thankful for it and I just love it. Well Done Lyn! Have a great day!

    Good Morning Christina :) What a beautiful, beautiful card Margaret has made for you! I absolutely love it! And, that color blue is just gorgeous!. Thank you sooooo much for sharing this card and the lovely story that goes with it. Well…. it's Saturday. The snow is finally melted…. that means yard work! A little sprucing to do. Enjoy a wonderful day! Big Hugs!

  5. I know how you feel Lyn- I love the card that I won last week - even prettier in real life than the photo.. Was surprised to see Christina's blog today! I feel so lucky to have seen her at Harrogate and we had a happy few minutes chatting together.
    I'm happy to see the comments re my card - thanks friends xxx

  6. Margaret's card is so pretty! I'd like to second her sentiment - thank you for all the inspiration you share with us, it is so much appreciated!

    I, too, have the card i won from you framed on my craft room wall!

    love Mags B x

  7. Congratulations Lyn! Enjoy this beauty!
    How wonderful that Margaret made you this stunning card and searched to find you! That just goes to show how much you touch us with your kindness and talent! THANK YOU for being you!

  8. Congrats Lyn enjoy Christina's card...
    Christina, I think you have touched each one of with your talent and your beautiful cards...thank you for every thing you do for us...

  9. Congratulations Lyn. Wonderful idea to frame your cards from Christina. Hope to have one myself one day. Will try to catch you on Create and Craft, life seems to get in the way sometimes though. Thanks for sharing you creations with us. Dianne Crowe

  10. thanks for all your congrats to me for winning today's card. I can tell you that I am over the moon with anticipation to see the card in the flesh so to speak. I too will cherish it
    Hugs Lyn

  11. Congratulations Lyn, a lovely card on its way to you.....What a lovely thought sending you this beautiful card, you are an inspiration to us Christina, I too love to see your daily card, have used many ideas from your cards, thank you.....I never watch C&C these days, but when I hear you are on, I make a point of it....only problem I have is all the talking shop by the presenters and not enough demoing....anyway I will record it if I cannot watch enjoy it....take care, luv Ursula xx

  12. Congratulations Lyn, and Margaret that card is lovely. We are all learning so much from Christina, I love this blog spot.
    Kind regards
    Anne Owens

  13. Hi Christina I love this card and the die is gorgeous.
    And the overall design is wonderful.
    Debs xx
    {Debs Cards}

  14. I think Margaret really took your inspiration and card examples to heart, Christina. That is a beautiful card she made for you. She is an inspiration herself. I would've probably stopped at the butterfly and bow, but I love that by adding the pearl flight trail coming from the side she made it ever so slightly more whimsical and not so perfectly aligned which made it all the more beautiful. I'm going to have to remember that. Thank you both for your inspiration and examples.

  15. Hi Christina, what a lovely card Margaret made for you, we all appreciate the work you put into the beautiful cards and video's you and the Film Crew make for our benefit, we learn so much from you. I shall be watching and recording your shows next week and hope we don't get a presenter who talks more about themselves!!!.
    Congratulations Lynn on winning a beautiful 'Christina Card' I won a couple of weeks ago and I am still showing it around!
    Regards Liz.

  16. Congratulations Lyn Nash! Margaret's card is lovely. The embossing is beautiful as is the butterfly embellishment. There are so many wonderful people in the crafting world and Margaret is obviously one of them.


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