
May 02, 2015

Todays Winner is ...

Hi Everybody,

It's going to be a busy day today as it is the grand unveiling of Isabellas house ... and in the next post I will show you what else we have done to the play area so far.

But first things first and the winner for the pink card with the large Grosgrain ribbon has been chosen and the name is ...

Nattyboots ...

so if you could email me please
with your postal address the card will be on its way to you.

Please let me know when it arrives and I hope you will like it.

More later ...

Hugs xx


  1. Hi Elaine Nattyboots. I'm so happy for you!!!! You won a very, very Beautiful Christina Card!! Yay You and Atta Girl! I'm sure you will treasure it for a long time!

    Good Morning Christina :) I can't wait to see Isabella reaction to her beautiful new home. She's just going to be tickled pink with excitement! Enjoy a lovely fun-filled day! Big Hugs.

  2. Well done Nattyboots, you lucky girl....luv Ursula xx

  3. Well done Nattyboots - its a lovely card and I'm sure you'll be thrilled when you get it.
    Christina- keeping my fingers crossed for a sunny day for the grand opening xxxx

  4. Congratulations Nattyboots on winning Christina's lovely card.
    Joan from Newcastle

  5. congratulations Nattyboots. that's great. Isabella is going to get such a surprise . can't wait to see her reaction. you made it look fabulous for her.xx

  6. Can't wait to see Isabella's reaction to her amazing new play area!

  7. congratulations, Nattyboots, enjoy your Christina card when it arrives xxx

  8. Thank you everyone as i explained to Christina i have just got back from unpacking boxes at my new home , otherwise i am always clicked on to Christina's blog early morning hoping to have won a beautiful card , i am so so happy and it will have pride of place in my new home , thank you Christina ..
    Elaine H X

  9. Congratulations Nattyboots!

  10. Congratulations Nattyboots on winning a beautiful Christina card, you'll love it.
    Regards Liz.


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