
June 06, 2015

FF winner ...

Hi Everybody,

It's blowing a gale here in the North West ... sunny but very windy and later I have to go shopping and then it will be playtime with Isabella.  At least the rain will hold off  and we can play in the Playhouse.

But for now the draw has been done this morning by my "Film Crew" and the name picked to win the pretty pink card is ...

Vicki ...
Can you email me please
with your postal address and I will get the card in the post to you straight away
You have 48 hours in which to claim it and please let me know when it arrives with you and I hope you will like it.

More tomorrow ...  

Hugs xx


  1. congrats Vicki, you have a lovely Christina card coming your way.

  2. Oh dear not me again, but hey ho, congratulations Vicki.....Have a great day with Isabella Christina, enjoy the wendy house......luv Ursula xx

  3. Hi Christina, it's blowing straight across the country again today, still you will have a great time in the Wendy house. Congratulations to Vicki on winning the beautiful card.
    X Ros

  4. Hi Vicki. Well…grab another cup-o-coffee and do the happy dance!! You Lucky, Lucky Girl ~ you just won a most BEAUTIFUL Pink Christina Card!! Yay for you! I know you will treasure and enjoy it for a long time! Enjoy your day!

    Good Morning Christina :) Well…. You're a Lucky, Lucky Girl today too! You get to have a playtime with your darling Great Granddaughter Isabella. Part of my tradition when visiting with my nieces and nephews, we would take hands and do the Auntie Donna's Dance of Joy (happy dance), cause we were so happy to see each other. And then, of course, I would get lots of hugs after, which would always make my day. Enjoy a lovely, lovely day. Big Hugs.

  5. Congratulations Vicki. Have a good day Christina

  6. Hello Christina and all
    The weather here in the North East isn't very good too, warm enough but blowing a gale.

    Congratulations to Vicki on winning your Friday Freebie.

  7. Well done Vicki, a fab Christina card on it's way to you, enjoy it.
    Regards Liz

  8. Congratulations Vicki!! Enjoy this gorgeous card! TFS!

  9. Thank you girls for the congrats. Sooo looking forward to receiving my card.

  10. Congratulations Vicki! Enjoy!
    Karen xx


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