
July 11, 2015

The Winner Is ...

Hi Everybody,

What a beautiful day this is and this afternoon Griff and I are going to help my daughter Vickie put up a trampoline in her back garden for the delightful Isabella. 

I will take some photos to share with you as she is coming to play at her Nana Vickies house later.

But for now the draw has been done and a name chosen to win the lovely sparkly gold card from yesterday.  It is much nicer in real life and up close you will be able to see the smudged effect a lot better.

It is part of the stamp and not my mistake and it looks really good. The card is coming to live with you ...

Ruth M ...
and so can you please email me with your full postal address to
You have 48 hours in which to claim the card and I hope you will like it when it arrives with you.

I am back at Create and Craft on Monday 13th July with the Spellbinders One Day Wonder so I am hoping you can join me at 4pm and 7pm 

More tomorrow  ...

Hugs xx


  1. Hi Ruth. Congratulations on your Beautiful Christina Card! What an AWESOME card to win! Well Done! I know you will enjoy and treasure it for a long time. Enjoy your day.

    Good Morning Christina :) Will look forward to the shows if I can. Using a borrowed computer til mine is fixed. Enjoy your Beautiful Day. Have Fun! Big Hugs.

  2. Oh, looking forward to your show Christina. Well done Ruth, enjoy your card.
    Hugs. Jan. x

  3. congratulations Ruth, a beautiful card on its way to you...luv Ursula xx

  4. Congratulations Ruth! Such a pretty card you have won. 😊 Have fun helping with the trampoline Christina how fun. Have nice day everyone.

  5. Congratulations Ruth M. A beautiful day to win a beautiful card.

  6. Congratulations Ruth M! Enjoy this amazing creation!!

  7. Congratulations Hon you won a beautiful card.

  8. I have won a beautiful card. I am so thrilled.


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