
January 17, 2016

Card Winner Today ...

Hi Everybody,

Thanks to all of you who took part in yesterdays Blog Hop I hoped you enjoyed your little trip around the world.  But now it's back to the Uk and today we actually had some white stuff and it is very cold.

We have done the draw for the white and silver card and the name pulled from the hat was yours ...

Ann Morris
would you email me your postal address please to
and I will pop it in the post for you first thing in the morning.

Enjoy the rest of your day everybody and stay warm

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Hi Ann! Yay You! Happy Dance for you. I know you love and treasure your Beautiful Christina Card for a long Time. Your Day is now Perfect. Enjoy.

    Good Morning Christina :) We have a good 12 inches of snow on the ground...are expecting 3 to 5 more today. It's 7 degrees (F) don't have a clue what that is in (c) Whatever it is.... it's bitter cold. Last year, we had a couple of nights at minus 30 Degrees below zero (F) Once it gets bitter cold like this now, it does not matter what the temperature is to me.... It's Just COLD. Makes me feel like crafting sipping on some hot cocoa. Enjoy your day. Big Hugs.

  2. congratulations Ann. love your new profile photo Christina. xx


  3. Congrats to the card winner....the card is s tunning

  4. Congratulations Ann....beautiful card awaiting you....No fluffy stuff down here by us, but by jov it is cold.....
    luv Ursula xx

  5. Congratulations Ann, enjoy your beautiful Christina card,
    Regards Liz.

  6. Hi Christina- Lovely photo - I see both your blog and FB each day -and read the comments on each! You must be so thrilled to get such brilliant feedback- and its all well deserved. Keep up the good work! Like one of the FB comments I have also been wondering when you will be asked back to C&C.Hope we see you before too long. Take care Love Margaret x

  7. Well done Anne Morris , enjoy your card.
    Christina yes i did enjoy my trip thank you some lovely cards made .
    Elaine H X


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