
February 28, 2016

Winner of the Brusho Cards

Hi Everybody

Here I am back at home after a really informative day with YouTube yesterday.  I learned so much from them and it was well worth the trip up to Edinburgh.  The weather has been kind too ... cold but very sunny and the journey itself was very pleasant.

Coming home today we joined the motorway with the River Clyde running alongside the road. We passed such diverse scenery on our route home ... from tree covered mountains, to land covered with grass so short, that from a distance it almost looked like velvet.

Dotted every so often with white bundles of wool peacefully grazing away, and many of them have new lambs playing alongside them in the fields

No camera can capture the beauty that the eye can see,  with all the changes of texture and light. We sure do live in a a beautiful green country. Every bend on the way home produced something different to thrill the senses.

Now as promised I have done the draw for the two black Brusho cards and the winner is ...

Wease Rainey 
please would you send me your postal address to
and the cards will be on their way to you straight away.

You have 48 hours from now to claim them and I hope you will like them when they arrive. Please let me know when they are with you.

More tomorrow ...



  1. Hi Wease! Yay You!! Happy Dance for you. I know you will love these Beautiful Christina Cards and enjoy and treasure them for a long time. Congrats! You now have a Perfect Day!

    Good Afternoon Christina :) So glad you are home safe and sound and had a productive and pleasant journey. I just love the way you "write". It's so picturesque and I feel like I'm right there seeing what you are seeing. Another talent you have.... write a book! It would be awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Big Hugs.

  2. Well done Wease, how wonderful for you, enjoy!!!
    Hi Christina so glad you had a good weekend away, and yes you do have a beautiful country and it is wonderful that you can get the chance to travel around and enjoy the lovely scenery hugs Lyn xxx

  3. So glad you had such an informative weekend and a safe and sound journey there and back....I love the English countryside, as you say so diverse and so beautiful...congrats to the winner of the card...luv Ursula xx

  4. Yes we have some beautiful scenery up here in Scotland. The more North you go, the more breathtaking it is :) x


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