
December 22, 2017

Friday Freebie - Family Ties

Hi Everybody,

This little stamp and die set came free with Simply Cards and Papercraft 164 and was really popular.

It is one that can be used all year round and for many occasions and I had a lot of fun creating, from card, dolls that nested inside each other

Here is the video to show you how I did that 

I am offering you the chance to win the gift of dies and stamps along with the card I made using it.  And all you need to do is leave me a comment if you would like it

From those comments a name will be drawn and the winner announced in tomorrows blog post.
You will have 72 hours in which to claim it but if you know you are going away and won't be here to claim it then PLEASE don't add your name 

And only add your comment once please ... they will not show up until they have been moderated and duplicate entries will be removed  that keeps it fair for everybody

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. What a fun set! Merry Christmas Christina!

  2. These nesting dolls are just adorable! Thanks for the chance!

  3. How cute are these stamps. xxxxx

  4. That looks like a fun set, thanks for the chance to win it, happy Christmas to you and family

  5. oh that looks like such a lovely set to have. Loved the video before and love it still and all the cards you made. I would love to win this set!!! but will also be happy for the lady that does. Wishing you and your family a happy and Blessed Christmas xxx

  6. So cute Christina! Thank you for all you inspiration throughout the year. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas xx

  7. Fab card! Loved the video, as always. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

  8. Great card & a really lovely giveaway.


  9. Morning Christina, once again a very generous gift today, as I have these if I am picked you can pick someone else please. Off to watch video again.
    Nancyd xx

  10. I always loved these nesting dolls. Thank you for a chance to win a stamp and die set of these cute dolls.

  11. A happy Xmas gift for one lucky person. Have a lovely Christmas and enjoy a rest from all the hard work. xxx

  12. this set reminds me of my dh's trip to Russia. he had always wanted to go. an opportunity came up for him to and we made it happen. he had a great time and the stackable dolls were one thing he brought back for the grands. great job coloring these and making them so pretty. Merry Christmas.

  13. Hi Christina,
    Love this stamps and dies set and all samples you have made. I enjoyed your video as always.Thanks for the chance to win this lovely prize.Good luck all.

  14. Adorable nesting doll card and stamp set!

  15. Lovely, thank you for the chance. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family

  16. Thank you Christina for offering these dies and stamps to us, they are a great set.
    Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  17. Lovely set, Christina. When I was a little girl my aunt had a set of nesting dolls and I have been fascinated by them ever since.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  18. Hi Christina. This gift does look like fun to use,thanks again for the chance of winning this die and stamp set...Good luck everyone...Heres hoping...Have a great day...stay safe.

  19. Thanks for the chance for us to win, reminds us of family and friends are important
    Have a wonderful Christmas, lovely to meet you and griff at nec

  20. Lovely set of nesting dolls stamps Christina. As a little girl I used to have a red one from Russia and I remember the smallest one was no bigger then my little finger nail :>)
    Have a wonderful Christmas with your family !
    Maria xx

  21. Good Morning Christina - what beautiful Cards. I need to watch this video vas soon as I get a few spare minutes! This is a very long very set. It reminds me of several years back when my daughter was in college. The college professor planned a trip to Russia & Some of the students was able to go including my daughter. I was anxious until they returned home safely. She got herself a set of the nesting dolls & they was bright, beautiful & very lovely. She could only afford one set during the trip. So I enjoy looking at hers from time to time. She brought us a few small keepsake gifts we love as well. I think this magazine & those stamps are very lovely!

  22. Could have a lot of fun with these - love the card. Always watch your videos with great pleasure. thank you Christine for all the inspiration you give me. maggie xx

  23. SWEET!!! Such a delightful set! TY for the chance to win it!

  24. Hi Christina a lovely giveaway again would love to own this. I am getting the stamping platform for Christmas and. Looks like a really fun card. Happy Christmas to you and Griff and a healthy 2018.
    Love Anne Owwens

  25. A fab freebie, thanks for all you do. Seasons Greeting to you and your family. Diana xxx

  26. Not too sure if my comment posted, Christina, my tablet is playing silly games tonight, so just in case it vanished never to be seen again, here's another thank you for giving us a chance to win this wonderful set.
    Bejay xx

  27. Another amazing card, my Aunt used to have some nesting dolls when I was a child. I happily played with them for hours x

  28. Love these cards and I think it is so clever with th\e tops being able to be moved to see the smaller doll 'inside'. Beautiful collection. Merry Christmas to you and yours Christina. Di B.

  29. Hi Christine
    Lovely card name with the nesting dolls. Thanks for the chance of winning them.

  30. Have always been fascinated with neating dolls. How nice of you to put them on offer!

  31. I went to the Moscow Circus when my daughter was 6 years old. I purchased a set of nesting dolls for her and she had many years of enjoyment from them. She's now 52, she had 3 girls of her own and the dolls have since gone to heaven. I'd love to win this gift that you are offering Christina to make some cards for the great grandchildren, using your fantastic ideas. Blessings to you and your family for Christmas. Gloria xx

  32. These are really special. I have always been fascinated by these dolls. Happy Christmas to you, Grif and Ruby.

  33. What a wonderful set to win as a freebie Christina. Thank you. Happy Christmas to you and your family and thank you for all your inspiration.

  34. These are gorgeous - hope they are going to a wonderful forever home ! Feliz Natal from Portugal !

  35. What a lovely set to win Christina thank you for the chance
    Love June Horrocks xxxx


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