
December 08, 2017

Friday Freebie - Sending Christmas Wishes

Hi Everybody,

I thought that maybe this week was a good time to give this away with Christmas fast approaching.

 But it can be used all year round and is especially good for male cards.

It is the gift that was free with Papercraft Essentials 151 and there are dies, stamps and an embossing folder with it.

Here is the video to show you how I used it 

If you would like to have this gift then please leave me a comment at the end of the post.

From those comments a name will be drawn and the winner announced in tomorrows blog post.

So be sure to come back and check if it is your name as you only have 72 hours in which to claim it.

Good Luck 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Wow that would be great to have, love it

  2. Christina, what a spendid give away. I think these dies and stamps are awesome and a crafter will put thwm to good use. I know I would.
    Thank you for your contribution in my life as I entered the craft crad making world before I retired 5 years ago next month.
    ~blessings, Louise

  3. enjoyed the video too. What a super pack. Good luck to all xxxx

  4. Morning Christina, another very generous giveaway I have this set already so if I was lucky enough to be picked please pick someone else as it would be greedy to have two.
    Nancyd xx

  5. Looks like a really fun set! Thanks for the chance Christina!

  6. A fabulous give-away Christina.

  7. Really lovely card & a great giveaway.


  8. Lovely festive card Christina , in keeping with snowy scene outside brrr. Have a nice weekend xxx

  9. Who wouldn't want to win this Christina. Great giveaway and card. Thank you.
    Love Val in Spainxxx

  10. Thank you for the chance to win sorry not been following u lately heads full of worries Bec Hubby in hospital
    JOY Xx

  11. I remember watching this video a couple of months back and quite enjoyed what you came up with. Very versatile. Cool card.

  12. What a lovely magazine with samples for the stamp,embossing folder and dies. The cards you made were beautiful. The little girl stamps is so sweet. It would be so thrilling to receive this giveaway.

  13. Love the card Christina thank you for giving us the chance to own it
    Love June Horrocks xxxxxxx

  14. Love this card Christina a really festive feel to it. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas xx
    Love Anne Owens xx

  15. Would love this one- great video xx

  16. I would love, love, love, to have this beautiful card and issue 151 of Papercraft Essentials! I cannot find it here in the states.

    1. Do you have a Jo-Ann's, Cynthia? I saw it in our local one not long ago.

  17. Always have trouble making men's cards. This would be just great.

  18. oh this card is adorable. it's so cool to see the phone booth. it's something here that has literally disappeared in my lifetime. love the cute birds and the background paper is adorable.

  19. Hi Christina,
    I love the cards you made, enjoyed the video and I really appreciate your generosity. What a great gift for Christmas. Thank you and good luck all.

  20. Beautifully card and great giveaway. Thank you.

  21. Hi Christina,
    Wow, what a wonderful gift this would be...I always have trouble making male cards...thanks for the chance to win this...Ann in Canada

  22. Amazing card and giveaway. Thanks so much for a chance and have a lovely weekend.

  23. what a lovely set to use for the holidays...thank you

  24. What fun! thank you for the opportunity!

  25. Sweet!!! Both your lovely card and your giveaway are beautiful and sweet! It would be sweet to win it, too! Thank you!!!

  26. I loved the video. I saw the magazine in one of my local craft stores. Think I'll have to go back and get it..well, unless I'm the lucky one to win it. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Hi Christina,
    Lovely card. I would love a chance to win today's Friday Freebie.
    Bejay xx

  28. Love the look of European Mailboxes. They always seem so festive. Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful stamp set.

  29. Hi Christina, I remember when this came out. I did not get a copy at the time. Here in the states we get the British magazines but they are 2 months behind. By watching your videos when the new mags come out I know I will have to wait 2 months for me to be able to get it. At least I have plenty of time to plan the cards I'll make with them,.lol

  30. Lovely festive card and a great giveaway.

  31. Hi Christina
    Great cards using the free girl thanks for sharing and giving us a chance to win these.

  32. I love watching the gorgeous cards you create, you've made me much more confident in my own crafting. Thank you for your generosity.

  33. A really fabulous gift, thank you so much for all you do. Diana x

  34. Hi Christina. Gorgeous card. Please Mr Postman send
    me this gift. Mavis L x

  35. Lovely card Christina and a fab giveaway x

  36. Hi Christina,
    Beautiful card I love the post box and all the cards you made.
    Di B.x

  37. What an awesome card. Would make my Christmas to win this. Thanks for the opportunity and Merry Christmas to your family including Ruby.

  38. I have always loved these mailboxes. They are so much prettier than ours!
    I would love this stamp set.
    Have a great Christmas, Christina

  39. Gorguss card, the letter box stamp is awesome and would be useful to use in many occasions

  40. Two lovely cards Christina. Lovely gift for your winner xx

  41. Hi Christina
    Two brilliant cards and what a gift. Keeping my fingers crossed - once again
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  42. thank you for being so generous! I have seen so many cute cards made with this set!

  43. lovely as always Christina, I always get inspiration from you. Thank you

  44. Two gorgeous cards Christina. Been having trouble with the iPad for the last couple of days and getting increasing difficult to get into any blogs or emails.

  45. Hi Christina,Its a lovely thing to do, i wish everyone good luck..Going to be some nice surprise for someone..Another lovely set..Thanks again for all the kind things you do..Have a glorious weekend...hugs.

  46. I would love to win this Stamp set. I live in Canada and where I live I cannot get these magazines. Well Im off to watch the video.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win this stamp set.

  47. A real lovely set. Would be amazing to win it. Thank you

  48. Christina - yours cards are lovely! What an awesome gift this would be. I always find masculine cards much harder to make. I agree these gifts & the ideas in that magazine would be nice for guy cards! Thank you for giving a lovely card & sometimes gifts each week. You always make beautiful Cards. Merry Christmas to you & your family !

  49. I struggle with cards for men, and for children sometimes. Thank you for the giveaway.


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