
January 06, 2018

Two Winners Today ....

Hi Everybody,

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend and whatever the weather holds for you. It's bright and cheerful here today even if it is cold. Thanks to all for participating in the two "Give Aways" that have been on the blog this week.

The names of winners each week will be added to the "Winners Page" that is a permanent fixture in the side bar to the left and I will be starting a new list with todays winners and erasing the names form 2017.

So a clean slate for the New Year and to save confusion over which gift is yours I have added the photos of each prize

The first prize winner for the Friday Freebie has been drawn and this card and gift are going to you ...

please email me your postal address to


The second winner for the New Year 2018  parcel is you ...

I also need you to email me your postal address please
as above

Both gifts will be in the post to you ladies straight away. 
I hope you will both like them and please let me know when they arrive safely.


There will be no Friday Freebie next week as I have some exciting news to bring you plus I will be on Craft Stash Facebook Live at 10 am  on the 12th January

And can I also explain please that although I ask you to let me know that you get the FF safely by the very nature of the gift I only have one to give away. So in the sad instance that one FF goes missing it is with much regret that I cannot send another as I don't have one.
I hope you understand

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Many congratulations ladies on winning your prizes. I'msure yyou'll enjoy them immensely.
    Love Val in Spainxxx

  2. Very happy for the winners but thought
    it was my lucky day today. Christina busy cutting
    cards and boxes ,Mavis L x

  3. Ah, thought 2018 would be lucky for me....congrats to the winners...thank you Christina..luv Ursula xx

  4. Many congratulations ladies on winning your prizes. I'msure yyou'll enjoy them immensely.
    Love Val in Spainxxx

  5. Congratulations to the winners!
    Kath x

  6. Well done ladies beautiful prizes this week. Love that card Christina.
    Love Anne Owens xx

  7. Congratulations to the winners! Thank you Christina for being so kind ! Happy New Year to everyone !

  8. Congrats to both lucky winners.

  9. Congrats to both winners-well done.


  10. Hi Christina congrats to the lucky winners enjoy your gift xxxxxx
    June Horrocks

  11. Pleased for the lucky two. Fingers crossed for next time. Thank you Christina. Diana xxx


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