
February 24, 2018

Card & Gift Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

I was up early this morning and the sun was shining.... which makes a change from the past few Saturdays. Ruby is already out walking with Griff and tomorrow we are going to go out for Sunday lunch to a dog friendly place in Lytham so she can come with us.  It's going to be a good weekend.

The draw for the card and gift from yesterday has already been done and the name chosen today is YOU ...
would you send me your postal address please to
and both will be on their way to you straight away.

You have 72 hours in which to claim the prize and please let me know that they arrive safely with you

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. send pics of griff's great adventure. :) congrats to the winner.

  2. Hi Christina very sunny here in Culcheth Warrington too congratulations to Kaths
    In Culcheth there is a very large garden centre called bents they have a place there called dogs world you can take your dog and enjoy a meal in the restaurant just for mums dads &their dogs well worth a trip Christina
    Love June Horrocks xxxxxxx

  3. Hi Christina.
    Congratulations Kath on winning such as lovely prize.
    Love Val in Spain x

  4. Am pleased for you Kath. Diana

  5. Congrats Kath......enjoy. Christina have fun on your outing, sounds like fun time for all.

  6. Congratulations Kath enjoy, hope you have another good day tomorrow Christina and enjoy your lunch.
    Nancyd xx

  7. Thank you for picking me as this week's winner - I'll send you an email soon.
    Kath x

  8. Lovely weather here too....Congrats Kath, Christine I was doing one of your cards the other day, with your great collection, and I came across a verse..i so love it, can you tell me where I can get it from. Thankyou so much. YOU DONT STOP PLAYING BECAUSE YOU GROW OLD.. YOU GROW OLD BECAUSE YOU STOP PLAYING. Thankyou.

  9. Enjoy. Happy mail will come to you. 😊

  10. Congratulations Kath, enjoy your prize.


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