
February 27, 2018

Colouring Vellum Flowers

Hi Everybody,

Many of you have been enjoying the parchment/
vellum flowers and butterflies that I have been making lately.

So I thought I would show you how I coloured the plain white vellum to suit my designs

It is not an expensive product to work with and you can alter it so very easily and it doesn't matter if it goes blotchy  it all adds to the effect.

The blue flowers are the ones I created in the video and I think this card is lovely with a really delicate look to it.

It would be suitable for any occasion with a change of sentiment.

Here  I have used the dies, stamps and embossing folder from the "Christina Collection" that is available with Craft Stash.

I hope you enjoy the video today and will give these lovely flowers a try for your self, it's not long but long enough for a cuppa.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Morning Christina, a gorgeous card really love the Blue one I used to do a lot of vellum flowers but haven't done any for ages but I need a get well card so will be bringing out the vellum.
    Nancyd xx

  2. Two lovely cards, looking forward to watching the video later.


  3. Hi Christina love the video and the flower's are beautiful.
    can i ask where you got the round stamp block's from.
    Marion H

  4. Love the flowers Christina they are so pretty the card is beautiful a beauty for any occasion thank you for the video love June Horrocks xxxxx

  5. Beautiful cards :))
    Thanks for a great video!

  6. so stunning! Love the embossed effect against the distressed colour background.

  7. Hi Christina
    All the cards in the video are really pretty but I especially like the blue one. The flowers made with vellum look so beautiful and delicate
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  8. thank you for the video, showing us how to colour and make the vellum flowers. Will be off to get myself some vellum in the coming days xxxx

  9. Hi Christina,
    Elegant cards and stunning flowers. I have to try making some of these flowers as they look so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Hi Christina
    Love seeing the vellum flowers. Will be looking at the video later.

  11. Beautiful cards - Love the blue mix on the vellum

  12. Beautiful cards Christina, I love the vellum flowers, they just look so subtle, beautiful..thank you loved the video....luv Ursula xx

  13. Hello Christina,
    What beautiful cards, the video is great and as I'd never thought of colouring vellum that way it's also very useful.
    Maureen x

  14. Really pretty card Christina. Love the vellum.
    Love Val in Spain x

  15. Beautiful cards Christina, I like colouring vellum too. Always makes beautiful flowers.
    Keep warm and safe with this weather.
    Dorothy xxx

  16. They are all just gorgeous, love the idea of coloring our own vellum too!


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