
March 10, 2018

Card and Gift Winner

Hi Everybody,

I hope you have all had a good week ... I have had birthday celebrations that have lasted the whole week but it's not everyday you get to be 70 so I have made the most of it.

But now it's time to get on with some work so over the weekend I have some filming to do.

Next week Griff is going to be fitting us a new kitchen so he will have his work cut out.

But because of this I am going to postpone the Craft Room Sale until a later date.  Once the kitchen is sorted then I will advertise it again and hope that you will still want to come

Any way the draw for the card and gift from yesterday has been done and the name this week is YOU...
Susan Manning 
could you email me please your postal address to
and they will be in the post to you straight away

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Susan Manning ~ You lucky girl! Happy Dance for you! I know you will treasure your prize for a long time! Yay You!

    Good Morning Christina :) You are such a beautiful lady with a lovely, lovely family! Thank you for sharing your 70th? Birthday with us! And, may there be many, many more to come! Enjoy your day. Big Hugs.

  2. happy birthday. good luck with the kitchen. since griff is doing it, it will probably go along faster than when I had mine done. don't be surprised if it takes longer than a week. keep us posted on the project.

  3. Congrats Susan, enjoy the stamp set.
    Happy Birthday Christina

  4. Hi Christina
    Glad you have enjoyed your birthday celebrations and hope everything goes okay with the installation of your new kitchen. I'm glad you have postponed your craft room sale for a later date as I will now probably be able to come over. Hooray. Congratulations to Susan on winning the Friday freebie.
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  5. Looks like you have had a great birthday, do not envy you with all the kitchen work going on, but I am sure it will be lovely...Congrats to winner....luv Ursula xx

  6. Well done Susan. Its a lovely set.
    Christina so glad you've had a lovely birthday week.
    Love Val in Spain xxx

  7. Congrats Susan! Postpone your sale? Eureka! there's hope for this Canadian yet, lol

  8. Hello Christina,
    Congratulations on the big 70 and the photograph is beautiful. You go girl, age is just a number and I feel like a 25 year old on the inside - just wish the rest of me tallied up with it ha ha. Good luck with the kitchen refurbishment.
    Congratulations to Susan.
    Maureen x

  9. Happy Belated Birthday.....You celebrate as I do....the entire week !!! A chance to be around family and friends! Don't forget to show us the kitchen remodel !!! It sounds like you had a awesome week!

  10. Congratulations Susan- happy mail coming.
    Christina --- happy birthday. You dont look a day over 50. Nearing 70 myself. Just a number, I tell myself. You will so enjoy your kitchen makeover ( can it also be called that?). ~blessings to you and your family each day .

  11. Happy 70th Christina glad you had a great week.
    Congratulations Susan hope you check in to claim your gift.
    Nancyd xx

  12. A very Happy Birthday Christina!!! Good to hear your family spoiled you.

  13. Hi Christina,
    Congratulations on the big 70! Are you sure it was your 70th b-day ? You look amazing. Probably you not only look younger than your age but you feel younger as well. Beautiful family. Thank you for sharing this picture with us all.
    I just found out that yesterday was Mother's day in UK, so Happy Belated Mother's day!
    Thank you Christina for your cards, inspiration and kindness.


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