
March 17, 2018

Card & Gift Winner

Hi Everybody,

I hope you are all having a good weekend and have lots of good things to keep you busy. 

 Here is Ruby with her new haircut sat in my craft room waiting for me to finish what I am doing and take her out. Doesn't she look cute ? 

At present we are having a new kitchen fitted and every room in the house is messed up so I don't need visitors just now.  

This is why the Craft Room sale was postponed ... but I will re schedule it once I get straight again.

In the meantime the draw for the Card & Gift has been done and the name this week is you ...

please email me with your postal address to
and they will be on their way to you straight away

Please let me know that you have them safely

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. ruby is looking beautiful as ever. she is so pretty... and those eyes ... so soulful. how could you say anything but let's go, to her?

  2. I've got a great soppy staffy giving me the same look! Hope she doesn't mind the snow.

  3. Hi Christina
    Well done to the winner. It's nice to see the lovely Ruby. She has the most gorgeous eyes so how can you not re-act straight away to such a pleading look. Hope you both had a nice walk. Hope the weather is not too bad for you
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  4. Congratulations Nana Jane. Enjoy your prize.
    Ruby looks so lovely with her new pish hairdo.
    Love Val in Spain x

  5. Such a cute dog....tfs her picture
    Congrats to the winner.

  6. Ah Ruby looks lovely with her new haircut. Well done to the winner of this weeks prize enjoy xxx

  7. Christina - Ruby is cute as can be ! Enjoy your weekend !
    Congratulations to Anna- Jane !

  8. Enjoy your gift Nana Jane. Good luck with the kitchen Christina - Will be worth the mess when finished! Ruby will help you relax!! xx

  9. Congratulations to lucky Nana Jane!
    I could never refuse Miss Ruby anything..not with those eyes looking at me. She's a beautiful little girl with her new hair cut.

  10. Hello Christine,
    Love Ruby's picture, I think the pair of you will be pleased when the kitchen is finished! Congratulations Nana-Jane.
    Maureen x

  11. Congratulations Nana-Jane!
    Ruby - you look beautiful with your new haircut! Your coloring is striking and you are just adorable! Hope your walk was fun!

  12. Congrat's Nana! Christina, it has been so wonderful that we can see your beautiful dog grow. Thank You for sharing. I'm such a dog lover, You look beautiful Ruby!!

  13. Hi Christina, I'm a total newbie to card making and have a question, when you have finished making your card where do you store the cards?

    Your dog is so cute.



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