
March 31, 2018

Card Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

Saturdays come round far too quickly and here we are with another damp one. I hope you all have a lovely Easter despite what the weather throws at you. 

Thank you for the comments about my kitchen and all I can say is .... it's coming along.

But this is what my dining room looks like at present

Still the draw for the card and gift has been done and the name this week is you ....

Polly H 
please would you email me your postal address to
and the gift will be on it's way to you straight away
You have 72 hours in which to claim it and I hope you will like it when it arrives.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Congratulations Polly! Enjoy your prize!

  2. Congrats to Polly! Happy Dance for you!

    Good Morning Christina :) You know last week, I didn't even realize that this weekend was Easter ~ and your kitchen is still out. If Plan A was to have Easter at your house, then I'm sure a Plan B has been arrived at. And, I will certainly extend feeling sorry for you a little longer. Holy mackerel this was kinda ill-timed, eh. Truly with all the progress that had been made in those few hours, I thought a miracle was about to happen. Happy Easter to you and yours Dear Lady. Big Hugs.

    1. I am a bit low on miracles at present Donna and ripping the kitchen out was the easy bit ... it's putting it all back together that takes the time. But Griff is doing really well saying he is doing it alone and once everything is back to normal I will add the photos. But it may take a while yet Cxx

  3. Congrats Polly...enjoy the stamp set...
    Yup, that is exactly what my dining table looks like too...I too believe it's putting it all back is a big deal....tfs

  4. Congratulations Polly! Christina, Happy Easter Week-end. Good things take time to build, but the end result is wonderful.

  5. Hi Christina
    I really feel for you but just think of the end result when it is in and looking spectacular - keep up the good work, Griff and love to little Ruby
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  6. Thank you so much Christina I'm over the moon. X

  7. Hi Christina. Congratulations to Polly on your win.
    When we had a new kitchen some years ago we moved all the old units into the garage and 'lived' in there for a couple of weeks while the new units etc were fitted. It was August so sat in the sunshine having our breakfast. Made life a little easier at the time xx

  8. Congrats Polly H!
    Happy Easter everyone!

  9. Just got around to seeing yesterdays post. My husband fit our "old" kitchen units into the small bedroom to make my craft room! That was a few years ago. This Easter we are busy decorating it all again and doing a bit of a re jig! ALL good fun xxx


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