
March 26, 2018

What a mess !!!

Hi Everybody,

At present I am living in a builders yard because Griff is putting a new kitchen in for us. I am having to do the best I can with a microwave and kettle in the dining room ... so needless to say we are eating out more than usual 

This is what my kitchen looked like as we started to rip things out.

The blue stuff has been there for almost twenty years. 

Very old fashioned now and so it had to go.

Just a few hours later it looked like this. 

Everything is gone apart from the solitary item which is the dishwasher standing in the middle of the wall

A few hours after this and even the floor tiles where up.

And now this is where I am up to with the new stuff going in.

It's going to look a whole lot different and I will show you the end result once it is all completed

But for now you can all feel sorry for me while my house is messed up. 

Even Ruby wonders whats happening here

So all together now .... Aaaawwww 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Morning Christina, what a shame I think the kitchen is the worst place to do but it will be worth it in the end but I feel your pain.
    Nancyd xx

  2. It will be worth all the mess and a great excuse for take away, look forward to seeing the new kitchen

  3. Ooh-good luck & I hope your new kitchen is fitted very soon. Definitely time to eat out more or have a takeaway!


  4. Been there, done that and had the T shirt! Stuff everywhere but great when its all done and all your cupboards are filled up again!Keep smiling xx

  5. Hi Christina I do feel sorry for you nothing worse than mess and ruby wont like the noise but all will be well betfore you know it
    Love June Horrocks xxxxxx

  6. Its such an upheaval now Christina but it will be so worth it when its finished.
    Love Val in Spain x

  7. It's going to be beautiful when you're done and so worth the mess. It may not seem like it in the middle of the mess but once it's finished, you're going to be so happy. It looks like you're getting white cabinets, which I love! What type and color counter tops?

  8. getting a new kitchen is fun and frustrating all at the same time. looking forward to seeing it when it's finished. does your nephew still have the restaurant? haven't heard much since he opened it. hope it's doing well. gives you a chance to visit him if it's open.

  9. This was me last summer. I didn't have a dishwasher but I do now. Bliss!!!

  10. Awww Christina!
    Just keep saying to yourself "it'll be lovely when it's finished" ha ha.
    Maureen x

  11. Good Morning Christina- I know how very hard it is living in remodeling a kitchen. When completed you will be so excited. It is a very hard thing to do. I can imagine Ruby being puzzled as well.

  12. Can't wait to see the beautiful finished part. We just had ours painted and now wish we'd have gone all the way with new cupboards. A big mess, but eating out a lot isn't bad. LOL

  13.'s sure going to be different, Christina. I recently had my bathroom converted into a wet room so know your pain lol. It took just over a week and my craft room became the store room for all the materials and the bathroom had all the equipment stored at one end...and we're talking about a VERY small bathroom lol. I can't wait to see the finished kitchen. I would love a new one. Mine isn't big enough for a dish washer and even the dryer has to live in my spare room.. along with the freezer lol. It needs changing though as the backs of the units are falling out...I have to wait for the council to decide it's time to upgrade though.
    Bejay xx

  14. My hubby is putting in built in cupboards in our spare bedroom, that is bad enough, no thank you I do not want the upheaval you are having...good luck....I am sure it will be brilliant in the end, grin and bear it....luv Ursula xx

  15. It will be well worth the upheaval. Am going to make your recent trellis card now. Diana xxx

  16. It will look amazing Christina my husband has just fitted ours( pity he didn’t do it twenty years ago) ha ha, you don’t realise how much you use your kitchen xx

  17. I would go through any mess and inconvenience if it meant I was getting a new kitchen. Going out for dinner sounds great also. You are quite lucky but I do feel sorry for Ruby as I am sure she doesn't like all that loud noise. I have been taking care of a small dog now for 3 months because of work being done in her home. What fun I'm having!

  18. My head is spinning with all the progress that has been made in a few hours!! WOW!! That in itself is amazing! Griff must be on vitamins! At this rate of progress Christina, you'll be back to normal in no time. So.... I'll feel sorry for you until ohhh let's say... next week. :) Good thing you have a grandson with a great restaurant! I'm looking forward to seeing the completed pictures. Enjoy Dear Lady! Big Hugs.

  19. Hey, my attitude is......Oh well, cant do anything in the kitchen means I CAN MAKE A CARD THEN!!! LOL

  20. The short time pain will be worth the long term gain when it is finished, and you will be able to enjoy your new kitchen. I know how you feel, I lived through two kitchen replacements in my previous house when the children were young, and now in my present home the kitchen needs a new look, but living alone I am putting it off for as long as I can. At the rate Griff toOK out the old and started the new, it will be done before you know. Keep smiling, lol.NancyM

  21. I must be old-fashioned because I loved your old looked blue to me. Can't wait to see the new one as I'm sure it will be gorgeous.

  22. Oh Christina I feel your pain in remodeling your kitchen because I'm going through it too.....I have an older home and everything is off and uneven...but think how nice it will look when it is finish..I'm looking forward when my kitchen is done too....good luck

  23. Hi Christina
    I really feel for you as I hate having the house upside down. Just think of how pleased you will be with the end result. We're going to start decorating shortly and not as much as having a kitchen done but I'm dreading it all the same.
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  24. Awwww Christina, I can't wait to see your fabulous new kitchen. Meanwhile... what can I say? Enjoy the no-cooking duties!


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