
April 28, 2018

Card & Gift Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

What a lovely day it is here and today we are going to look for tiles for the new kitchen so that we can get the walls and floor finished and it's going to look lovely

I have my dining room back to normal again. The carpets have been shampooed and it looks like home 

So the room has gone from this .....

Back to this ... 
It seems to have been a long haul but I know it will be worth it in the end.

Tomorrow I will be taking Ruby for her long Sunday morning walk.

This is not the only exercise she gets .... she is out twice everyday with Griff and he takes her to the park to play with her friends.

Then every Wednesday she goes to Doggy Day care

But Sunday morning is my special time with her and we go out for a few hours with Vickie and Dougal.

Enough of my ramblings ... let me tell you who has won yesterdays draw for the card and gift on offer.

Today's winner is
Brenda Hopkins ( Littlelamb)
please email me your postal address to
and they will be on their way to you straight away.

Next week I will have some exciting news to share with you so be sure to come back and see what it is ..

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. your home is almost back together and finished. what is your dh's next project after the kitchen? you know there is always a next project! so good to hear about ruby. I love that she has a visit to doggy daycare weekly as well as Dougal time. some dogs have a most wonderful life. have fun this weekend.

  2. Hi Christina
    Glad to see you're getting back to normality. Your dining room looks lovely as I'm sure your kitchen will do when completed. Give Ruby a big cuddle from me.
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  3. Glad to see you're winning the kitchen battle! Ruby is sure to be a very happy dog - all the socialising and lovely walks. Dogs certainly make a house a home. Looking forward to hearing your next weeks news xxx

  4. What a relief to be so near the end of all the refurbishment, but how you will enjoy it all when it's finished, it already looks wonderful.

  5. Congratulations Brenda. Lovely prize.
    Lovely dining room Christina, looks like you're getting back to normal.
    Love Val in Spain x

  6. Your kitchen is coming along very well and walking with your dog is good exercise for both...enjoy it.
    Congrats to Brenda Hopkins for being your winner....

  7. Glad things are sorted for you Christina looks lovely love june Horrocks xxxxxxxx

  8. Congratulations, Brenda Hopkins..lucky you. :)
    Christina, I so envy you having your project almost done. I want to have my kitchen remodeled, but just dread having to go through all of the decisions and then upheaval. Can't wait to see the finished kitchen, although I must confess I loved it before the remodel.

  9. Congratulations Brenda, my friend - enjoy.
    Good luck with the tile selection Christina, you'll be so pleased to have your dining room back!
    Maureen x

  10. Christina- Your dining room looks great. I know you will be excited to get kitchen finished. Have a great walk with Ruby & your friends.
    Congratulations to Brenda!

  11. Wow I have won this weeks freebie. Thank you Christina. Glad your house is beginning to getting back to normal. Enjoy your time with Ruby tomorrow. X

  12. Congratulations Brenda.
    Lovely dinning room Christina.Renovations take time and patience but I know it will be worth it in the end. Have a great Sunday.

  13. Congratulations Brenda! Your dining room looks wonderful. I love the farmhouse tables and theven pictures on the wall. No doubt it feels great to have it back in order.

  14. Thank you everyone. Really looking forward to playing with my freebie.
    Brenda Hopkins


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