
May 05, 2018

Card Winner and a Thank You ...

6x6 Collection
Hi Everybody,

First of all I wanted to thank each and every one of you for the support you have for me with my brand new collection. It is very much appreciated. 

I went to the Craft Stash office yesterday to do the Facebook Live and I was greeted with excitement that the whole collection is selling well.

I really enjoyed my day with them and we did lots of photographs and videos to promote the range.

Craft Stash took a big risk on an unknown like me but gladly it has all worked out well.  
My 5x7 Christina Collection continues to do well and now the 6x6 ... 
watch this space for the next wave! 

I have been with them for two years now and I was there at the birth of Craft Stash and I am so grateful to them for the opportunity they offered to me.

But I am also grateful to ALL OF YOU for the faith you have shown in buying my Collections, watching my videos, visiting my blog and website and leaving me your lovely comments.

Part of my way to say Thank You is to keep producing good videos and having this weekly "Give Away" to share my good fortune with you.

And so onto this weeks winner ...
Bejay Roles
please could you email me your postal address to
and they will be on their way to you straight away.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Hi Christina
    First of all - congrats to the winner. Secondly- I am glad to be one if your 'followers' as you have taught me so much over the years since I first came across Card Making Magic when you first started. I have also followed your blog since you first started with it as well. You are such an inspiration to us all and thoroughly deserve your success. Long may it continue
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  2. I watched your show on facebook yesterday, and it was great to see this wonderful new collection of yours :))
    It is on my wish list, and hopefully I am able to buy some of it shortly. I have quite a lot of your 5x7 collection, and it is a great favorite.
    Looking forward to new videos demonstrating the 6x6 collection :))

  3. Watched you on Facebook yesterday Christina all of your cards were so lovely well done and well done to Bejay enjoy your stamps xx

  4. Pleased for you Benjay and for you Christina with your new successful collection. Diana xxx

  5. Enjoy your gift Bejay. Wasnt able to watch your latest launch Christina but looking forward to seeing videos. Bought Die Cutting Essentials today so am going to have a play shortly!!

  6. Lovely card, Christina - you deserve all your success. Keep going for our sakes !!

  7. Hello Christina,
    Congratulations to Bejay.
    Congratulations to you as well on such a successful launch. I'm busy making a wedding card with the 6 x 6 collection and it's so easy. Next up is a Baptism card for twin girls.
    Like the 7 x 5 collection, everything goes so well together so thank you.
    Maureen x

  8. Congrats to the lucky winner.
    So pleased that your collection is doing so well Christina. You're a very talented lady and you deserve all the success you are having.
    Val in Spain x

  9. Congratulations Beejay, and to you as well Christina.
    I orderd your 6x6 collection yesterday and it arrived at 8.30 today. It's a lovely collection, which, as you would say, is even better in the hand. can't wait to start playing with it.

  10. Congrats Bejay...enjoy the stamp set
    Christina always wishing you the best in your collections....

  11. Congratulations to the winner.
    You are welcome Christina, it is easy to follow a talented person like you.
    Thank you for all your Thank you


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