
June 09, 2018

Card & Gift Winner

Hi Everybody,

Today is warm and sunny here in the North West of the UK and I am going to take full advantage of it this weekend.  So no blog post from me tomorrow ... I am having a day off !!

But the draw for this weeks "Give Away" of Floral Friends has been done and one name chosen at random as the winner and this week it is ,,,

Karen Dakyns
would you email me your postal address please to
and they will be on their way to you straight away.
Please let me know when they arrive safely with you

More on Monday ...

Hugs xx


  1. Congratulations Karen.
    Hope you have fun using your prize.
    Val in Spain x

  2. Enjoy your gift Karen. Christina- have a good weekend- enjoy your day off. Warm and sunny in the NE as well - makes a change! xx

  3. Congratulations Karen. Have a wonderful day off Christina.

  4. Congratulations Karen have fun with your new stamps. Enjoy your day off Christina it has been gorgeous in Scotland for weeks now but a bit dull today hope it brightens up.
    Nancyd xx

  5. Well done Karen, enjoy.Thanks Christina for opportunity.

  6. Enjoy your day off congrats Karen enjoy your gift

    June Horrocks xxx

  7. Congratulations Karen. Enjoy your weekend Christina.
    Maureen xx


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