
July 08, 2018

Ruby Update ...

Hi Everybody,

I haven't been to visit you for a little while but I have been having lots of fun with my Mum and Dad.

I will be two years old in August and I am really beautiful now. 
Here  I am with my summer cut and it is much cooler when I run around and play.

My best friend Dougal is coming to play today and we had fun in Witch Wood last weekend  chasing balls and sticks ... but I am not allowed to chase squirrels.

Here is a little video of us playing and I am the one making all the noise ... just to let Dougal know who is the boss !!

I like to go to the beach too and especially if I can go in the sea and have a splash about
My mum has got a paddling pool in the back garden for me and I like to go in there to cool my paws down when its a hot day.

More tomorrow ...

 Bye for now xx


  1. Nice photo Ruby & great to hear what you’ve been up to recently.


  2. Well Ruby you have grown up and are beautiful.
    hope you have a good Birthday.
    M Hinchcliffe

  3. Lovely to see Ruby and Dougal having fun. Its been a quick 2 years! My granddaughters husky caught a baby squirrel when she was a puppy. I was out walking her at the time and it took what seemed like forever to get her to drop it. I was in a panic. Fortunately a friendly gentleman came to my rescue. LOL

  4. Hi there Ruby, lovely to see you back and having so much fun with Dougal,you are such great pals. Thanks for sharing your video, and yes you are very beautiful, Kate x x

  5. Hi Christina.
    Awww Ruby is adorable & two already where dose the time go.
    Lovely video. Thank you for sharing
    Hug's Lynda xx

  6. thank you for the little video. it's so much fun to watch them. they both have grown so much since you introduced them. ruby is quite the pretty dog.

  7. Hi Ruby
    I must say you are looking rather smart and I love your big sad eyes - you're gorgeous.It's nice to hear from you again as I was only thinking the other day how were you getting on and we hadn't heard from you for a while. It's lovely to see you having such fun with your friend Dougal and I bet you love it in the paddling pool. Our Barney doesn't like the heat too much - he's got no energy. Anyway, continue being a good girl for your mum and dad and hope to hear from you again soon
    Best wishes
    Jenny C & Barney xxx

  8. Aww, love seeing them play.

  9. Hi Christina
    What a sweet video of two adorable dogs! They have both grown so much, thanks for giving us an update!
    Heather x

  10. Pam Mckenzie - my how you have grown Ruby and such a beautiful girl, glad to see your video with your friend Dougal you had such good fun in the woods, bet you love the paddling pool, my daughters dog (Amaya) likes to sit in a big bowl of water to cool off, its very hot here in Spain. you are lovely. Pam Mckenzie, Spain

  11. Hello Christina,
    Ruby is coming on a treat and looks gorgeous. Glad she's enjoying her paddling pool.
    Maureen x

  12. What a joy to see 2 happy dogs playing together, I smiled throughout this video, thanks for sharing.
    Daffodil Cards {My Blog}

  13. Hello Miss Ruby!! It's been so long since we've had the pleasure of a visit from you. I know how busy Mum is with making such Beautiful Cards. You'll have to let her know we need to see you a little more often. I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful fur baby, other than my two little ones, of course. I just loved seeing the picture of Witch Wood. It looks like such a lovely place for you and Dougal to play. You enjoy the rest of your day Little One. Big Hugs xo

  14. Hello Ruby, so nice to hear what you have been up to. I have missed you and was wondering how things are going lately. Glad to see you and your friend Dougal had such a good time playing in the woods. It was fun watching you both on your video.

  15. What a beautiful forest to run around. Ruby is already 2 years old! Time flies so fast.
    Ruby is adorable and watching her play with Dougal is a treat Tank You for sharing.

  16. Ruby it is so good to see you and Dougal after sometime. You have grown are look well in you trim for the summer. You both were having fun chasing around. the pulling your tug toy. My daughter's two dogs enjoy the same thing Thank Mum for showing you to us again. Have fun Alison

  17. Great to see you two playing xxxxxxx

  18. Two years, time flies when you are having fun. Diana xxx

  19. Sweet Ruby with the soulful eyes !!


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