
August 13, 2018

Two for One ....

Hi Everybody,

Whenever you make a card with a technique on the background and then you die cut that piece ... always be aware that you can re use this die cut on another card.

In the video for shaving foam I made the background with green/turquoise inks and then cut out the centre part with an oval. 

It turned out really pretty and the cut out oval too good to just throw away.
And so I made it into another card that turned out just as good as the first one.

For both cards I have used an embossed panel to show them off even more and I was pleased with the result

I also have all the other panels I made in that video and I am sure they will pop up in various places in the future

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Waste not- want not! I seem to have lots of "bits" but as you say they do come in useful at times. Love the colours on these cards xx

  2. Hi Christina. Two very pretty cards.
    We played with the shaving foam technique at our craft group last Friday. Such messy fun but great results.
    Love Val in Spainx

  3. So frugal - I love what you have done with one background piece, Christina

  4. Love both cards Christina very pretty thank you
    Love June Horrocks xxxxxxx

  5. Lovely, really like both cards. Which oval die did you use, please, looks nice and large?

  6. Hello Christina,
    It's a great way to have backgrounds or toppers for "last minute" cards.
    Maureen x

  7. Thanks for the reminder! You now have two beautiful cards TFS

  8. Great use of the waste piece of card.


  9. I love the shaving foam technique and you produced some wonderful examples, this one showing how beautiful it is in both cards...thank you Christina...luv Ursula xx


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