
September 02, 2018

Little Holiday !!

Hi Everybody,

My eldest daughter has recently move to France and so doesn't get to see her Grand Children as much  as she did. So this weekend my Granddaughter and I are taking the children to visit their Gran.
We are going to the Bordeaux region and I am hoping very much that it is still warm

Griff and Ruby are not coming with me on this occasion but I am sure we will go back to visit again soon and we will get Ruby her very own passport and then she can come with us.

I won't be doing a blog post for a couple of days as I won't get back until very late on Tuesday but I will see you again on Wednesday with the latest magazine freebie video for you,

 I hope that you will come back to visit my pages then

Hugs xx


  1. Have a wonderful time Christina.
    Love Val in Spain x

  2. Wishing a great visit and a well deserved little holiday!!

  3. Hope you have a lovely few days away.


  4. I'm sure you will have had a lovely, well deserved. break. Looking forward to Wednesday. xxx

  5. Hello Christina,
    Have a fantastic time with the family. See you when you get back.
    Maureen x

  6. Hope you have a great time Christina
    Sue x

  7. Have a most wonderful time away, I hope the weather is kind to you, travel safe...luv Ursula xx

  8. Have a fabulous time Christina!

  9. Have a lovely time. I am hoping to go and see my newest G.Grandaughter tomorrow.

  10. How fun! Have a safe trip! Blessings

  11. Pam Mckenzie - Have a super time in France with your daughter, lovely to take the grandchildren on the trip to see their granny hope it keeps nice and warm for you Pam Mckenzie, Spain

  12. Hi Christina
    I hope you all have a good trip and enjoy your little break. Safe journey
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  13. l hope you have a lovely time x

  14. Have a great time all of you xxxxxxxx
    June Horrocks

  15. Have a lovely time Christina xx


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