
September 30, 2018

Ruby & Dougal ...

Hello Everyone,

It's Ruby again today with some more of my adventures with my very best friend Dougal the Cockapoo.

We have just had a lovely holiday in the Lake District with our humans.

And just to make sure that my mum didn't forget to take me I packed myself into her suitcase !!

Here we are in the car and ready to go on our journey and we have a big fluffy cushion to sit on in the back

Usually we fall asleep but our humans stop and let us out regularly and to have a drink and a little walk about.

We both enjoy the water but Dougal only gets his feet wet.  He' such a baby!!

Me ... well I like to get in there and have a really good swim.

Then after a good day out swimming and walking it was back to the cottage for our tea and a good sleep.

We have our doggy drying coats on and they keep us warm.

My mum kept my long ears tucked in side the jacket here as they are really wet.

And this .... well this is my Dad who was pretending to surf on the edge of the lake standing on a stone in about one inch of water !!

More next time ...

Bye for now xx


  1. Hello Christina,
    Sounds as though you all had a great time over in the Lakes, I'll be popping over there in October for a few days to meet up with friends. Love the photos, the "action" shot of the surfer is really fabulous lol!!!
    Maureen x

  2. love hearing from ruby. she has so much fun. those drying coats are very cool. thanks for the updates.

  3. Gooooooooooood Morning Miss Ruby :) Oh My Goodness ~ Life is so Good, isn't it! I got such a good chuckle when you packed yourself into Mum's suitcase. But, to be honest Ruby Dear, you are just too precious for Mum to ever forget! You are part of her heart, as I'm so very sure, she is part of yours. Boy, you and your BFF Dougal have it made in the shade with your car set up. Your Mum and Dad take such good care of all your needs. Man, you even get to go swimming! Life doesn't get any better Miss Ruby. It just doesn't. I Love Ruby Sundays and please thank Mum for posting your adventures. It's always a pleasure to find out what you've been up to. Thank you for making my day! I hope you enjoy the rest of yours. Big Hugs. xo

  4. Hello beautiful Ruby,
    Nice to hear from you again and so glad you all enjoyed your holiday. I must say that you and your best friend Dougal are really gorgeous. Your drying coats look nice and snuggly warm. Your dad looks good doing his surfing haha. Continue being a good girl for your mum and dad and try not to get up to too much mischief
    Best wishes
    Jenny C & Barney xxx

  5. Two very happy dogs - and a great surfer! xxx

  6. Ahh Ruby, you certainly had a fab holiday, you both look so cute in your jackets, be they were real cosy, Kate x

  7. Hello Ruby and Dougal! It sounds like you had a fun adventure at the cottage. Your jackets look very fashionable and warm! Ruby, you'll have to keep showing Dougal how much fun it is to swim. Maybe he'll decide to join you next time. Have a fun day today!

    Your friend,

  8. Love to hear your updates of the furry ones. I have a foster dog for a week and the company helps the lonely times. Diana xxx

  9. AH! love the doggy stories, especially as we don't have a doggy now.


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