
October 28, 2018

Ruby Update - Lovely Day, Long Walk

Hi Everybody,

Today it is really sunny and my mum and I have had a good walk with Dougal and Vickie along the beach.

Here I am in my new red coat, stood on the garden bench waiting patiently to go, and I only barked at a few people who dared to walk past my house.

We walk along the beach and then my mum and Vickie stop for a coffee in the dog friendly cafe. They do Doggy sausages in there too and Dougal and I had one each Mm mmm !!

We are out for about 3 hours and we run around like mad chasing each other or the ball, until one of  us loses it and then we have to buy another !!

Once we get home again it's lunchtime and then I can settle down for a  little nap for few hours
This is me having cuddles with my Daddy on the rug and loving every minute of it.

More again soon ...

Kisses from Ruby xx


  1. Love photos of Ruby, she looks so beautiful in her new coat, thanks for sharing them, Kate x

  2. Good Sunday Morning Miss Ruby! You look so adorable with your Dad cuddling. I bet he enjoys the cuddle too. It sounds like such fun having a long walk on the beach and that it's still warm enough to do that. It's getting cold here in Gaylord, Michigan. We've had little bits of snow already, but nothing has stayed. Thank Goodness for that! But I know it's coming very soon. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely day with us Little One. Big Hugs. xo

  3. Love Ruby in her new Red Coat.......Thanks for sharing Christina !
    Cuddles with Daddy are always good !

  4. Hello Ruby! You look quite smart in your red jacket and eager to go for your walk. You must have played hard because you look worn out and resting with your Daddy in the other picture. I hope you let your Mum and Daddy know how much you appreciate the time they enjoy with you. A 3 hour walk is very special as is a cafe that's dog friendly. We don't have many of those in Arizona where I live. You're a lucky dog!

    Until next time. Your friend

  5. Hi Ruby you look great in your red coat ,you are a lucky girl
    to have a mummy and daddy who love you so much.


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