
October 06, 2018

Two Winners ...

Hi Everybody,

Another weekend is with us and although I will be busy today,  I have a day off tomorrow to do with as I please. Ruby and I will be going for our long walk with Vickie and Dougal so fingers crossed it doesn't rain.

Every night, anywhere between 7-9pm I get the "Look" off Ruby and if I ignore her she climbs up onto the settee and puts her paws on my shoulders. Then no matter what I am doing she will not leave me alone. She is telling me ..."Get your shoes on mum and take me for a walk ...." and so that is what I have to do, even if it is raining we have to go out for our evening jaunt. 

I swear that dog knows the time better than me 

The draw for yesterdays prize has been done and the two winners today are ...
Heidi Turcios
Pippa Price
please can you email me your postal addresses to
and the packs will be on their way to you straight away.
You have 72 hours to claim the gifts.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Congratulations to Heidi & Poppa on winn the fabulous prize
    Christina enjoy your walk with Ruby & her friend's
    Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Congratulations ladies on winning your lovely prizes.
    Val in Spain x

  3. Congratulations Heidi and Pippa, I have this set of stamps and dies and have used them loads, they make great cards very easily.
    Maureen x

  4. That is so true about dogs, my hubby away, chief walker and feeder and it's totally thrown her! Ariel keeps going upstairs to find him! Lolxx

  5. Congrats to the winners
    Love June horrocks xxxx

  6. Congratulations ladies!

    Enjoy your day off and walk, Christina!

  7. Well done Heidi and Pippa. Obviously Ruby has got you trained Christina !
    My dog had me trained as well. Unfortunately he is now sadly missed.

  8. Congrats to both winners...enjoy
    Christina enjoy time with your dog and walk...


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