
November 11, 2018

NEC Birmingham

Hi Everybody,

It's taken me a little while to add these photos and that is because I have not been well this week. But these are from the NEC Craft Show that I as at last week.

It was amazing to see my name up there and to stand in front of tables that are filled with my designs.

I cannot tell you how grateful I am for all that Practical Publishing and Craft Stash have done for me.

The whole team is fantastic and I enjoy going into their offices to see them all.
These guys are the team that I was working with on the Sunday and I did enjoy it. 

It was lovely to meet up with people who visit my blog and website as well as YouTube and I had some lovely comments from them all.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Congratulations, it must feel great. Well done. Can't see the photos yet. x

  2. pleased it all went well for you- unfortunately I am unable to see any of your photos!xx

  3. Hi Christine, so pleased you are starting to feel better. The photographs do not appear to be there.

  4. Hi Christina, glad you had a good time. Unfortunately I'm not receiving and photos.
    Love Val in Spain x

  5. Glad you enjoyed the NEC Christina, and hope you are now feeling a whole lot better. Unfortunately, no photos appear on my screen, not sure why....luv Ursula xx

  6. Hello Christina,
    Lovely to see you back and know you are on the mend. The teams may have been a wonderful support to you but you must realise that people wouldn't buy your things if the designs or quality were not great.
    Maureen x

  7. Well i came to see photos but for some unknown reason they are not showing....Sorry Christina,,Glad you did ok there and hope you are getting better healthwise..

  8. Well done Christina, But there are no photos, all I am getting is blank.

  9. Pam Mckenzie - Hi Christina I would love to see the photos, unfortunately I have nothing showing on the blog, I'll try again later as the emails are coming through very late usually the following day. lv. Pam Mckenzie Spain

  10. Can’t see the photos only the squares around them. Perhaps they will arrive later.

  11. Unable to see the photos, do not know why! Have a few days rest Christina, try and put your feet up and have a well deserved rest. Diana xxx

  12. I'm glad that you enjoyed your time at the craft show. I would have loved to have gone just to meet you, but, alas, I live an ocean away. :) For some reason I couldn't view your pictures.
    I hope you continue to feel better, Christina.

  13. Glad you had a lovely time Christina I too couldn’t see the pictures.
    Love Anne Owens x


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