
December 29, 2018

Card & Gift Winner

Hi Everybody,

I am very late today and that is because I didn't sleep well until about 5 am and then I fell asleep untill 10.15 ... both Ruby and I cuddled up and lazing the day away.  But we couldn't stay there all day there are things to be done and doing the draw for this weeks Man Of The Moment Stamp and Die set is one of them.

With everybody being busy over the Christmas holidays the prizes on offer in previous weeks have not been claimed and so to be fair I am adding the names of those winners here also. 
So please check carefully which gift was yours.

On the 14th December
this set 
Serene Beauty 
was won by
 June Horrocks
and has not been claimed

On the 21st December
 this set 
Underwater Friends
was won by 
Nicola Parfitt
and has not been claimed

And now 28th December
this set
Man Of The Moment 
has been won by
Christi Neal 

I would appreciate it if each one of you could email me your postal address please to
so that I can send the prizes to you.

I can do no more and if they are not claimed this week than they will be added again at a later date

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Hope the winners see this post! Glad you managed to get to sleep eventually. Best foot forward Christina . Best wishes for 2019 xxx

  2. I know how you feel Christina, but sometimes that few good hours of sleep does the world of good...nothing worse than a sleepless night, the mind works overtime I think...Why do people put their names forward and then not claim their prize, puzzles me...luv Ursula xx

  3. Congratulations to the winner.
    This is generous of you to give a chance to the people who did not claim their prizes.
    Have a wonderful healing year filled with new adventures and memories.

  4. I hope you sleep well. Relax the best you can. Take care.

  5. Congratulations to each winner!

    Happy New Year to all!

  6. Hello Christina,
    I hope you have a better night's sleep tonight. It's understandable why you aren't sleeping well.
    Congratulations to June H, Nicola and Christi - 3 lucky ladies.
    Maureen x

  7. Dear Christina

    I did claim my prize and sent you an email on 22nd Dec with my address

    I just resent it again to you so please advise if you have received it now

    Best wishes
    Nicola Parfitt

  8. Congrats, Christi. I hope June and Nicola see their names, so they can claim their great prizes.
    My cats cuddle like Ruby. It's very comforting, isn't it?
    Wishing everyone a wonderful 2019.

  9. Congrats to all!!!! Have a Happy New Year!!!

  10. So sorry I didn’t see I was a winner Christina I will send my address as soon as possible my grandson has borrowed my pad I will get back to you today
    Thank you so much love always June horrocks xxxxxxx

  11. thanks for picking me. I sent an e-mail yesterday. I hope you got it.

  12. Congrats to all the winners.

    Hopefully the lie in did you good, sometimes you just need to rest.

    Wishing you all the very best for 2019.


  13. I sent an email yesterday with my address Christina thank you again
    Love June horrocks xxxxxxx

  14. A sleep-ness night is tough I have them often..sometime reading a book for an hour helps.
    Wishing you the best for 2019...remember one day at a time.


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