
May 09, 2020


Hi Everybody,

I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine in the UK on this Bank Holiday weekend. Ruby and I have been in the woods this morning while it was cool and it is so peaceful in there and we love it.
But apparently tomorrow it is going to be cold again so make the most of it while the sun is still here

I have done the draw for yesterdays Chloe kit and the the lucky winner is ....

Lucie Hale

Please would you send me your postal address to
and I will get it in the post to you straight away.
Be sure to let me know when it arrives with you and I hope you will enjoy playing with it.

I have lots of good quality stuff for future "Give Aways" so make sure you come back each week and see what is on offer. You never know you could be the winner next week.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Congratulations Lucie.
    You always have great giveaways,Christina.
    Enjoy your weekend

  2. Thank you sooooo much Christina!!
    I've emailed you directly! I'm so excited!!!
    Thanks again!!!!

  3. Congratulations Lucie, enjoy the beautiful set.

  4. Well done Lucie, enjoy. Diana Lawton


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