
January 08, 2022


Hi Everybody,

Fingers crossed that this will work today as I announce the winner of the Peony Panel from yesterday.
 Thank you for joining me on the Craft Stash Facebook Live page yesterday and I am happy to see that many of you love the new dies. I also hope you enjoyed the video demos too despite the rain and the sound of Ruby snoring .... Loudly !! 

 I will be adding some vidoes as soon as I can but my craft room is still upside down waiting for the new flooring to be laid. And once this is done my house will have had new floors and painted décor throughout that will last me a few years before it needs to be done again. 

Eventually I will get straight again after weeks of upheaval. 

But the draw has now been done and the name this week is

Anne Forrest  

would you email me please your postal address to
and I will get the pack in the post to you straight away.

Please ley me know that you have got it safely and I hope you will enjoy playing with it..

And now Ruby and I are going to start up the log burner and settle down for the afternoon as it is pouring down here again today. 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx



  1. Congratulations, Anne Forrest! Enjoy your gift.
    Christina, I hope you can survive the upheaval. You'll have practically a new house when it' finished..lucky you. :)
    Sherry Hay

  2. Well done Anne, enjoy. Keep safe Christina. Diana Lawton xxx


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