
April 28, 2024

Marilyn Coombs - Winner

Hi Everybody,

Before I go on and announce the winner I would like to clarify my position in the coming months/ years.

The blog is not going anywhere it stays right here and I will add posts most days. the Friday Freebie will still be here each week  so I hope you will continue to participate,

My YouTube channel will remain the same and all the videos are still there for you to view. I will be adding new ones as I go along. YouTube Channel

 The only thing that is different is the website Card Making Magic, as that I am closing down, and that I will not be designing for Practical Publishing any more. The brand will continue but the design will no longer be mine.  

But I am still here and posting on the blog so nothing for you really changes. People have said that they will miss me ...  but I am not going anywhere. 

Now for the draw for the Spellbinders die set on offer and the winner is 

Marilyn Coombs

would you email me please with your postal address to
and I will get the pack in the post to you straight away.

I will also include a handmade Pokey tool for you to use in your craft room, and please let me know when you have them safely

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Congratulations Marilyn. I love you idea a lot so enjoy this great giveaway.
    Christine Cloutier

  2. Hi Christina, Thanks for the heads up on what's happening with you. I watched your videos before you took that position and I'll continue to watch them.
    I occasionally come to this page but not as often as I should. oops!
    I'm happy you're going to continue and look forward to seeing your future posts.
    I hope is all well with you.

    Thanks for all you share!

    Heather Whitman

  3. Great news Christina :) Love reading your blog posts, although I don't comment as much as I could :( my bad .....


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