
May 05, 2024

Christine Wilson - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

It is a glorious day here today and we are going on a family walk later today. Yesterday  Vickie and I went to Preston for a little shopping and on the way home we took the dogs into a very large  park that we passed. 

It was lovely and the dogs had a good run around. And although it was a little drizzly we didn’t mind. But towards the end Ruby disappeared. I called her and called her but she wouldn’t come back. 

Eventually she did and had obviously been eating something and where food is concerned Ruby is a dustbin.

Vickie was horrified when she went to see what it was and it turned out it was ……. Fox Poo !!!!!!!!

Apparently dogs are so enticed by it and to them it is irresistible. Some dogs like to roll in it and it absolutely stinks.

We cleaned her up as best we could with tissues and headed for home and before she was allowed in the house I gave her a bath on the patio.  Dirty little creature ….. Any way she is fine and clean now and none the worse.

Well the draw for the Spellbinders die and stamp set has been done and the name today is

Christine Wilson

Please email me at

and I will post it off to you straight away, and include the Pokey Toll too.

More tomorrow …..

Hugs xx


  1. OH! What a story ! You must have been really worried when she was not answering your calls.
    Then finding out what she had been up to…. It makes for a wonderful story after the fact.
    It was a lot of fun for Ruby not so much for you.
    It was a beautiful day across the pond as well.
    Thank you for sharing your stinky episode.
    Congratulations to Christine Wilson.

    Christine Cloutier.

  2. Congratulations, Christine Wilson!
    Christina, I had to laugh at Ruby's misadventure. I know it had to be shocking to see what she had eaten and you probably didn't want her licking you for quite a few weeks, but it will give you something to laugh about in a few months, well, maybe in a few years. lol
    Sherry Hay

  3. Congratulations to the winner. I had to laugh about little Ruby's escapades because it brought back memories of when we took our Barney to a local park years ago. We let him off the lead and he straight away went rolled in fox poo and you are right as it does smell vile. Hope Ruby is doing okay.
    Take care, lovely lady
    Hugs, Jenny C xxx


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