
May 19, 2024

Samantha Dawkins - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

This has been a gorgeous weekend and Ruby and I have taken full advantage of it.
We where on the beach yesterday at 8.15am and it was really peaceful.
The tide was a long way out so there was n chance for her to paddle in the water but she had a lovely time running around in the sand.

I am so lucky to live near the beach and it is only a short walk away from my house.
We had breakfast once we got back home again and today we are going to repeat the trip again and head for the beach. 
Just as soon as I finish this post we will be off.  

But for now the draw has been done and the name this week is
Samantha Dawkins
would you email me with your postal address please to
and I will get the pack in the post to you straight away.

I have also included the Pokey Tool in the pack for you and I hope you will use it when you craft 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

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