
June 23, 2024

Barbara Youngs - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

What has happened to our summer? It’s damp and dull here today but I hope it will brighten up later. 

I am having a quiet day and Ruby is resting too. She had a lovely walk in the woods yesterday and had a good sniff around. She doesn’t do the full walk at present but we got halfway round and then I can tell she has had enough and it’s time to get back. 

But even this is better than not having her at all and that is something we came very close too when she was ill.

This morning I have done the draw for the lovely bundle of Sheena goodies and the name this week is 

Barbara Youngs

so if you would be kind enough to send your postal address please to
then I will get it in the post to you straight away.

I am also including the last of the Pokey Tools as I have used them all up now and won't be doing any more for a while.
I hope you will enjoy the goodies and please be sure to let me know when they arrive with you.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Congratulations, Barbara Youngs!
    Christina, are you complaining about it not being warm enough? If so, then I'd give anything to have some of your weather. I live in north Florida and the heat and humidity are unbearable. I stay inside as much as I can..I don't do heat. If your weather is cool then I really envy you. I'm glad Ruby is still improving.
    Sherry Hay

  2. Congratulations Barbara x

  3. Good Morning Christina. Ohhh. It's so good to hear Ruby is well on the mend. And now you can take her for walks. That's the only down side with pets ... You become so attached to them they become part of the family. Today is our Wedding Anniversary 57 years and during that time we have had three dogs. We keep saying never again after we lost them ... But they are so adorable and so much fun. We have had some lovely times with all of them.
    So sorry not to have been around of late. We were away for a month with next to nothing Wi-Fi. ... How did we ever manage without it. And then I have had this horrible coughing virus that lots of people have had ... This on top of my Asthma is not good. I am well on the mend now and ready to pick up where I left off before my hols.. I have looked at some of your posts ... All beautiful as always ... but honestly I just couldn't bring myself to post.
    Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone. Sorry for the long post today. Please stay safe and well 🙏 . Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds. x x x

  4. Congratulations Barbara Youngs.
    Summer is here at last. Take care but also enjoy the warmer days .🌞
    Maria x


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