
June 16, 2024

Jacqueline Koendering - Winner

Hi Everybody,

Thanks for all your enquiries about Ruby  and I am happy to say she is progressing slowly. She still can't go for long walks but we have had little trips to the park before she gets tired. 
We will get there in the long run ... hopefully.

I have done the draw for the lovely bundle that is on offer and I am hoping that this time it goes.

And the winner this week is 

Jacqueline Koendering
would you send your postal address please to me at
and I will get it sent off to your straight away.

I hope you enjoy all the goodies in the bundle and I will also include a handmade Pokey Tool for you to use whenever you craft.
Please be sure to let me know that you have everything safely.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. christina Thank you, I sent you an email, I am happy with it for such a nice giveaway prize

  2. I am so glad that Ruby's doing better, even if it is slow going. I know how hard it is to have a sick pet. I worry about them and am constantly checking on them. I hope for both of your sakes that she heals quickly and completely.
    Sherry Hay


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