
June 09, 2024

Kim Cranson - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

I hope you are al well and enjoying the weekend.  We are doing Ok here but a but disappointed with the weather.  What has happened to our summer it is actually very windy and chilly here today.

Ruby is still not allowed to go walking yet but she is recovering slowly. She has had such a very painful and serious illness that it is bound to have taken its toll . She is back to envying her food again but is not allowed any treats.

I have done the draw for the latest pack to be given away and the winner this week is 

Kim Cranson

would you please email me with your postal address to
and I will get it in the post to you.

Be sure to let me know that you have it safely  and I hope you enjoy playing with it.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Good Morning Christina. Congratulations to Kim on winning her prize.
    So glad to hear Ruby is doing a little better. It looks like a long process but as long as she pulls through it will be worth it. She knows how much she is loved by you and I am sure this will help towards her recovery.. Thankyou Christina. Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone. Please stay safe and well 🙏.
    Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds.

  2. Congratulations Kim.
    Glad to hear that Ruby is getting better even if it would be nice faster. It is going in the right direction.
    Wishing both of you well.
    Christine Cloutier


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