
June 01, 2024

Ruby Update ….

 Hi Everybody,

Thank you for all the comments and concern for Ruby 

who has been one very sick little dog.

This time last week she was fighting for her life and diagnosed as having severe pancreatitis. She was in the Veterinary Hospital in Manchester for four days and had  all sorts of treatments.

They said she could come home on Monday and she has a feeding tube in her neck. Here she is lying on the sofa with the bandage around her neck and her tummy looks very swollen.

She has been on a specialist diet since I bought her home and will need to be on this for at least a year. 

I cannot exercise her as yet.  She has been back to see a new vet and they removed the tube from her neck last Friday. I changed vets as soon as I could and I have written to complain about the treatment she received with the old vet.

She needs to be watched carefully especially in what she eats and as they put it she is “dietary indiscreet” which basically means  ….. your dog is a dustbin and will eat any thing it can find.

And that is definitely my Ruby, she vacuums that area looking for food, you would think she is starved.

But for now she is home and starting the long road to complete recovery even if it is with life.long medication.

More tomorrow…

Hugs xx


  1. Ohhh, I wish Ruby speedy recovery. Our dog Emma is also vacuum cleaner, always looking for food.

  2. Ah Christina, so sad poor Ruby is unwell, I hope she makes a good recovery. Love Anne Owens ❤️❤️

  3. Christina so pleased you have got Ruby home. Hope she is soon well enough to go for her walks. Take care both of you.

  4. Poor Ruby having such a rough time and poor you as well caring for her, wishing you both all the best

  5. Thank you for the update. Glad she is back home and on the path to total recovery. Ruby is a handful to take care of! Maybe worst than a toddler… least a toddler grows up but not a vacuuming dog.
    I am sure, even if you will have to be super vigilant, you are happy to have her in your life.
    Take care
    Christine Cloutier

  6. So glad to hear Ruby is on the mend, even though it is a long haul with special food
    and meds

  7. I bet she is so happy to be home, and you are thrilled to have her home too. You have both been through so much with her illness. Hoping for good results with her special diet and medications. Feel better, Ruby!

  8. oh poor little Ruby. At least she is home now and she has a plan - although always difficult to keep a dog from hoovering! Feel better soon Ruby x

  9. So glad to hear that Ruby has recovered enough to come home.
    Hope that you can now relax a little.
    Best wishes to all.

  10. Hi Christina,
    So pleased to hear that Ruby is home with you and Ella again! I’m sure that she will continue to make a good recovery now that she’s back in familiar surroundings.
    Big hugs,
    Maggie Coleman.

  11. I was thrilled to see Ruby home where she belongs, Christina and I hope she's able to enjoy the sun out in your back garden. My last dog, a mini schnauzer was also a dustbin and she had to have one of those special dishes that slow down their eating, but Ben the cocker pup is so fussy I think he's really a giant cat in disguise. He will pick up a biscuit from his dish, walk into the other room and then eat it. I'm glad that you changed vets, I think if you had stayed with the last one Ruby wouldn't be back home with you. It's a disgrace the way they behaved with her treatment, or lack of it. Let's hope now she's home you'll be seeing an improvement each and every day. Hopefully we will soon see her enjoying life again. I'll bet she was glad to get the tube out of her neck as well, bless her heart. xx

  12. So pleased to hear your news Christina. It was a little worrying not hearing from you before this but the info that Ruby is home is great even though you both have to be very careful. At least you're together xx
    Betty McAlister

  13. So happy Ruby is home and on the road to recovery. Bev. Williamson

  14. Our cat is like that believe it or not, always picking stuff up from the floor. Hope she continues to improve


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