
June 30, 2024

Sue Cockerham - Winner

Hi Everybody,

What a bad nights sleep I have just had. I don't think I managed to string two hours together and I really don't know why. It's not that hot and I have nothing on my mind that is bothering me ... I just couldn't sleep. Maybe I will have a nana nap later to see if that helps.

In the meantime the draw has ben done and the bane today is ..

Sue Cockerham

would you send me your postal address please to
and I will get it sent off to you straightaway.

Be sure to let me know that you have it OK and I hope you enjoy playing with it.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had a sleepless night. It happens to me once in awhile. That makes for long days. Eventually, sleeps come back. Wishing you a good night sleep to catch up.
    Christine Cloutier


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