
July 21, 2024

Stacey Kowbel - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

It is really lovely here today and Ruby and I will be out for a walk later either before it gets too hot or when it has cooled down a little.  I have a tower fan in my bedroom and I have had that going for most of the night to keep me more comfortable ... it didn't work !!

So we got up early and now it's coffee time.

The draw has been done and the name this week is

Stacey Kowbel

would you please email me your postal address to
and the pack will be on its way to you.

I hope you enjoy playing with it once it arrives and be sure to let me know that you have it safely.

Next week I have a series of videos coming up .... one every day ... and I announced this too early.
I took the post down straight away but an eagle eyed reader spotted it and said she was looking forward to seeing them. 

Of course it was a  week early and they didn't show up then but they will be with you next week for certain. Please "Like" , subscribe and leave me comments here and on YouTube and enjoy all of them.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Stacey.
    Looks like Ruby is doing well. Happy that you have your walking companion back and are enjoying your time with her.
    Christine Cloutier


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