
August 30, 2024

Friday Freebie - Spellbinders Set 4

 Hi Everybody,

This is the last of the Spellbinders sets that I have on offer and this is set 4.

It is a matching die and stamp set along with beautiful Rosette Wall embossing folder that is sure to make some lovely backgrounds for you designs.

Last weeks offer has not been claimed and so I will add it again later on and hope that it goes next time.

But if you would like this set then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post with your 


From those comments one name will be chosen and announced in a blog post over the weekend so it is up to you to come back and check if your name is shown as I have no way of letting you know if you are the winner.

I am happy to send this to you where ever you are and it doesn't matter if you have won before.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 29, 2024

Parchment & Marker Pens

 Hi Everybody,

I know that not everybody has alcohol ink refills  but most of us have alcohol pens of many different brands.

But is doesn't matter whcih brand you have this look can be achieved with any of them.

I also use Isopropyl Alcohol as it is a lot ... and I mean a LOT... cheaper than blending solution and the effect is not that much different.

Try to get the higher percentage if you can as it will work much better that the lower one. I used 99.9% and it wouldn't go any lower than 91%.

I got a one litre bottle from Amazon and it is not expensive and will last you for ages.

I have shown other videos in the past where I have used it to Colour Ribbons and Flowers 

The card to the left has been done with the pens as shown in the video but I have used lots of coloured pens to produce the dots around the sentiment.

It just gives another look to the end result and I quite like it too. You can of course leave it off if you prefer. 

The video is a little longer than usual but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Parchment & Marker Pens

Clicking the YouTube links will open  new windows in for you to view the videos listed but please come back here when you are finished.

I  have really have had a good time playing with Parchment and using it in lots of different ways.

For the card to the right I was inspired by a tortoiseshell brush that I have in my bedroom and I picked out the colours as close to it as I could.

It is the same style as the green one done in the video,  and I like both of them .

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 28, 2024

Parchment Scraps

 Hi Everybody,

Playing with the parchment over the last few weeks has produced quite a bit of left over pieces and so this was one way to put them to good use.

I added them to some white card to give them strength and then I cut them down into banner strips, of varying widths and lengths,  with a little fish tail at the end of them. 

For this top card I layered them on to an embossed panel with foam tape in between each banner and I mixed up the colours so that each one would be on a different colour.

I dotted small dots around the front and they are created from the hole punch and gold card, and I added the video for that a few weeks ago.

They do look very effective on my card. and these strip have been added vertically on my design  

On the card to the left I followed the same process but dressed this card in silver and added these strips horizontally to the embossed panel

The butterflies have been backed on to parchment  and the wings curved up a little to give movement

Just by playing I have created some lovely cards from bits of  parchment  that would otherwise have been wasted.

And had some fun in the process.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 27, 2024

Parchment Panels

 Hi Everybody,

In the video yesterday with
I made quite a few backgrounds and rather than waste them I have turned them into cards.

This is the parchment done with the Sunray Stencil and some blue and lilac inks and the result is really very pretty and subtle.

This one is done by taking the ink onto the parchment once the stencil has been removed and so gives a positive image.

I have added gold embellishments to the front of the card, and both the sentiment and the butterfly have got more parchment behind them. 

The finished card us a 6x6 with the fold at the top as I think a card stands better when done this way.

The card to the left is also a 6x6 and this was done by rubbing the inks onto the parchment through the stencil and so taking the negative colour onto it.

Both show the Sunray stencil but in completely different ways, and each is as pretty as the other.

For this one I have added a silver die cut that was already on my desktop and added it with a large grey flower to the front of my card, and I turned this one into a Birthday Card.

Have fun with your parchment and use any of the ideas that I have added to the blog pages over the last few weeks.

It is a lovely material to work with and it is nit expensive but gives impressive results.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 26, 2024

Parchment & Alcohol Inks

 Hi Everybody,

Today I am adding the video that I mentioned last week and this one is using the parchment with some alcohol inks that I have had for some time and never used.

Mainly because I was intimidated by them, but now it's time to put my brave face on and have a go with them.

There are lots of good tutorials on YouTube with these inks and I have watched loads.

 This is my effort with them and the first time they have been out since I did the Yupo Paper Videos ages ago. 

Parchment & Alcohol Inks 

I hope you enjoy this video and it is part of the Parchment Ideas playlist on YouTube.

I have to say I have enjoyed playing with them and I intend to do more,  but I want to incorporate the Gelli Plate with them too and see what looks I can achieve there. 

You can use the refills for alcohol pens or simply scribble the pens onto the parchment and then spread the colour around with the Isopropyl for a blended look.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 25, 2024

Heaney Hong - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

There is a strange object in the sky today and its one we haven't seen much of this summer. It's called the sun and today it shines bright mixed in with the wind. But maybe it will stay dry enough for Ruby and I to go out somewhere later on.

I have done the draw for the beautiful Spellbinders on offer and the winner today is 

Heaney Hong

so if you would send me you postal address please to
I will get it in the post to you straight away.

I hope you like it when it arrives and please let me know that you have it safely.
Have fun

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 23, 2024

Friday Freebie - Spellbinders Set 3

 Hi Everybody,   

This is the third Spellbinders set to be offered on the blog and this week it is the Doily Art Embossing Folder with a beautiful die and stamp to go with it. 

Spellbinders has been at the front of die cutting for years and their dies are so incredible and a pleasure to work with creating beautiful shapes for all your projects.

So would you like this one ? 

Then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of this post with your 


to be in with a chance to win.

I am happy to send this to you wherever you are and it doesn’t matter if you have won before.

Just be sure to come back and check if it is your name that is shown over the weekend as the winner.

More tomorrow…

Hugs xx

August 22, 2024

Parchment & Embossing Folders

HI Everybody,

So here is another old video that is now in the YouTube Playlist and this is colouring the flowers that have been created with an embossing folder.

It is another video that has ben added to the playlist on YouTube and is an older video done in 2021.

It fits in with all the others that are in that
 Parchment Ideas Playlist
and I hope you enjoy watching it.

I still have a little bit more to go with the parchment but at present I am practising with some bottles of alcohol inks that I bought ages ago and have never used. 

So watch this space and they will  be along shortly and I am still using the heavy weight parchment that I have in my stash.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 21, 2024

Parchment Ideas - Butterflies

 Hi Everybody,.

Today I am adding a video from the Parchment Ideas Playlist in YouTube and this one is six years old.

It shows how I made the butterflies and added them to a card then created the matching box.

It uses the 5x7 Complete Card & Box set from the original Christina Collection so if you have this set then you are good to go, but I don't think it is available any more.

 You can use use any butterfly dies that you have and make beautiful embellishments for your designs.

Parchment Butterflies

My apologies for adding an older video but I have been out most of the day with Pauline Hickey who was visiting me from her home town. 

It has been a lovely day and we went out to Lytham Hall and looked around the garden centre then we had a tasty lunch and a good natter.

So that is my excuse for no new video today ....

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx 

August 20, 2024

Parchment & Gelli Plate

 Hi Everybody,     

I am still with the parchment theme and this time I have dragged out my Gelli Plate. 

I haven't used this much and so I am relatively new to it but I thought I would give it a go with some of my parchment and I am quite happy with the results.

The top card has had some stripes torn from the coloured parchment and I used a large silver flourish that I had on my desktop.

The video 
Parchment & Gelli Plate  
will show you how I got the look and maybe you would like to try it also.
I always use a heavier weight parchment as it stands up better to being used as a card base or a shaker pocket and it can be heat embossed too as I have shown in previous videos.

I have used lots of silver mirror card to highlight my designs and it adds richness to the card.

I hope you enjoy the video and please leave me a comment and subscribe to my channel for lots more videos in the future.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 19, 2024

Parchment & Foiling

 Hi Everybody,   

This pretty card is created using the parchment from the past few videos along with some foil in a Bright Gold colour for the Leaves of the design.

I used the bright gold from Deco Foil as it is designed to work with the Deco Foil Transfer Duo Gel.

The gel is amazing and it can be used with or without a hot foil machine. I know they are an expensive item to buy and not everybody wants one.

So I chose to use it with something that I already have and that is my die cutting machine. The Duo Gel means the foil is added with either heat or pressure and so the die cutter is perfect. 

The Deco foil comes in many many colours and will do exactly what you want it to do. 

There are variegated foils, rainbow foils, holographic foils, pastel shades, jewel shades. opal foil as well as black, white, several shades of gold, including rose gold and silver

 But be careful  when you buy as not all foils are the same and work in different ways.

Should you think that you have done something wrong or your not getting the result you expect then check the foil you are using as it may be the wrong one for the job you are doing.

The video 

Will show you how I made thee cards and the result is  lovely with a touch if luxury to them.

The foiled parchment can be die cut to any shape you want.  or torn to suit your creations .

Have a play and see what you can come up with I am sure you will be surprised

Both the gel and the foils look expensive but there is such a lot in the pot of gel or the pack of foils that they go along way and are well worth trying if you like foiling your projects and don't want the expense of buying a hot foil machine

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 18, 2024

Linda Massey - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

I have loads to do today and no inclination to do any of it ….. I am dog sitting Dougal this morning while Vickie has an appointment to go to and then I really need to go shopping.

But I have done the draw for the Spellbinders set on offer and the name today is

Linda Massey

Would you please email me your postal address to 

and I will get the pack in the post to you straight away. I hope you enjoy playing with it and be sure to let me know that you have it safely.

More tomorrow…

Hugs xx

August 16, 2024

Friday Freebie - Spellbinders Set 2

Hi Everybody,

Here we are again with another Friday and they seem to come round so fast I barely have time to breathe.

Today we have another Spellbinders offering and this one has a cut and emboss folder with it to make some lovely cards.

Would you like to have this one ?????

Then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post with your 
I say this every week about leaving your full name and if it is not shown then your comment will  NOT be entered into the draw. I ask for it simony because it s easier to identify you if you are the winner.

On one occasion and I had three people, all with the same first name, claiming the prize I was offering and it made it quite difficult to find the correct winner. 

And if you don't leave your full name, and the comment comes up a anonymous, then I have no chance of finding you at all.

Come back over the weekend and see if it is your name that is shown in a blog post 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 15, 2024

Parchment & Stencils - Wedding Cards

 Hi Everybody,

Someone has asked if I would do a card for a special occasion using the parchment and what could be more special than a wedding.

So here are two ideas that I have created and both are much better in the hand than the photograph shows.

The video will show you how I made the one to the right but you could do yours any colour you wished and to match the theme of the wedding itself.

Parchment & Stencils 

This takes me into my comfort zone again adding the flowers and ribbon onto the design.

And the embossing is an added bonus as it really enhances the card for this special time 

Click the link above and it will take you to YouTube to view the video but please be sure to come back later.

There is a whole playlist on YT with lots of ideas with Parchment ... some old ... some new ... and I will be adding more in the future.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 14, 2024

Parchment Ideas - Gift Pocket

 Hi Everybody,

This is a much prettier way to give a gift card, or even money, to your recipient, better than just handing it over or using one of the envelopes that the shop provides.

And it doesn't take a lot of  products or time to make one, and I know some of you have told me that you  have lots of parchment/vellum stuck in a cupboard in your homes .

It's time to get it out and make it work for you 

The video is available on YouTube and if you click the link it will open the window for you to view it.

It started off as a plain peice of parchment but ended up as something completely different.

The little Velcro dots I got from my local supermarket and they were not expensive. 

There are lots in the pack and so I have many left for other projects. 

The parchment series has grown over the last two weeks and there is still more to come  and I hope you are enjoying some of the ideas that I have shared with you.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 13, 2024

Parchment Ideas - Shaker Card

Hi Everybody,

Todays card is a shaker using parchment instead of acetate to create the shaker element. 

It seems to be easier to me and doesn't need all that shaker tape to make it. I have enjoyed making these and will definitely be making some more 

Children especially seem to love them and if they have their name on them they are even more special

The name of the video is 
Parchment Shaker Card

 and it is part of the playlist I have created on YouTube to incorporate all the videos using parchment in one way or another.

I really hope you are enjoying them all and there is still ore to come in this mini series.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 12, 2024

Parchment Ideas - Making A Wrap

 Hi Everybody,  

Todays idea is using a parchment wrap around the card to hold it closed and I have also created a matching envelope for this 5x7 card.

I have used my 5x7 Complete Card and Box Die Set so if you have this set also then you are set to go. 

If you don't then you can use anything that helps you to create your own envelopes,  and I know there are many systems around that do that.

Again I have used the heavy weight parchment as this will stand up to use far better than the lighter one. And this really is the only one I use in my cardmaking. 

Here is the video ... Parchment Wrap  ... and if you click the link it opens a new window in YouTube.  Please leave me a comment and be sure to come back to the blog for more ideas, I will be adding some more ideas on ways with parchment.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 11, 2024

Christi Neal - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

According to the weather forecast we are in for a few really hot days. So while it is still cool as yet I am going to take Ruby out for a walk just as soon as tis blog post is done. She is sitting here waiting patiently for me to finish.

Without further delay the draw has now been done and the name today is

Christi Neal

would you email me your postal address please to
and it will be on its way to you. 

I hope you enjoy playing with the set and please be sure to let me know that you have it safely.

Right I am off now for walkies !!!

More tomorrow 

Hugs xx

August 09, 2024

Friday Freebie - Spellbinders Set 1

 Hi Everybody,

For the next few weeks I will be giving away some stamps, dies and and embossing folder all from Spellbinders.

Each one will be different but all will have the superb quality that  Spellbinders are known for.

The dies will all match the stamps that they are with and the embossing folders are from the Celebrations range and are deeply etched.

Would you like to win one of these sets ???

Then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of this post with your

From those comments one will be chosen as the winner and announced in a blog post over the weekend so please be sure to come back and see if it is your name that is shown as the winner.

Good Luck 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 08, 2024

Parchment Ideas - Flowers

 Hi Everybody, 

Today in the parchment series I am making some flowers to add to my cards. 

I have stamped them out and then heat embossed them with silver powder and the end result is some beautiful items to adorn my designs.

The lilac flowered card in the video is my favourite and I really enjoyed making all of them.

I will be adding more vidoes next week continuing with the same theme so I hope you will join me again then.

In the meantime here is the video to make these lovely flowers 
 Parchment Flowers

The card to the left has been coloured with different shades of alcohol markers and added to a stencilled background.

I added pink sequins to the front but I have used the same pack for my sentiments for all the cards.

I doodled around the edge and I am also going to create an envelope for each one.

I hope you are enjoying all the videos in this series  and if there is something that you would like me to cover then be sure to let me know.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 07, 2024

Parchment Ideas - Envelopes

 Hi Everybody,

This is now day three of the videos I have added with lots of ideas to use parchment.

 I decided to do them as individual videos, rather than several techniques in one, to keep them short and more easy to watch. 

So for a really delicate look to your finished cards why not make your envelopes from Parchment.

This is one of the Split Front Cards created in yesterdays video and now it has an envelope to go with it.  And the effect is really very pretty.

It would be perfect with a wedding card and with the embossing as well it looks really special. Well worth giving this idea a try.

The video for this idea is  below and it is not long and in it I also create a card to go with the pink envelope that I make.  

Parchment Ideas - Envelopes

Please join me again tomorrow for yet another way to use your parchment and we will make some more lovely cards that you will be proud to send. 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 06, 2024

Parchment Ideas - Split Front Card

 Hi Everybody,

This is the split front technique and it has been around for a very long time and probably under another name. 

It is very easy to do and I have covered it before, but this time I am making use of the parchment that I have in my craft room.

This would also be really effective if done with Acetate and us well worth trying to see if you like the look.

The video will show you how I made the card and hopefully give you some inspiration to go ahead and make it. for yourself

The pictures do not do justice to the cards.

Once again I have used the gold and silver mirror card as this makes everything kook so rich and I am making use of the already die cut items that are on my desk.

I have not bought anything new for a long time and this is part of my new year plane to use up what I already have in my stash.

Another technique working with parchment will be along tomorrow ...

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

August 05, 2024

Parchment Ideas - Backgrounds

Hi Everybody,   

Today I am starting a mini video series that will show you some of the ways in which I have used parchment on my cards.

I get confused with what is Parchment and what is Vellum so I looked it up and I am pleased to say that there is no difference.

Both where originally made from animal skins that where scraped and cleaned ready to be used as a writing source.

Now in modern times we have papers and parchment/vellum is now made from plants, and widely available.

It is called many things ... tracing paper, translucent paper, see though paper are some of them.

Here is the video 

  Ways To Use Parchment 

and if you click the link it will take you to a new window on YouTube for you to view the video.

Please like and subscribe and leave me a comment on the channel and here on the blog.

It comes in various weights and many colours. You can get it patterned and even foiled and it has many uses.

You will even find baking parchment in your kitchen. 

And with our cards there is a lot of ways we can use it to make them special. It is an inexpensive way to add variety to your designs.

So over the next few videos I am going to show you some of the ways in which I have added this to my designs.

I hope it will inspire you to make more use of any that you may have in your collections.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 04, 2024

Winifred Kennedy - Winner

HI Everybody,

It's not quite as bright here to day but it is still warm and Ruby and I will be going out later in the day ... as long as it doesn't rain.

 I am definitely a fair weather walker and I don't like to get wet or cold. Ruby on the other hand doesn't care and she loves it when she gets home and is towel dried. Its just one big game to her.

I got the draw done earlier and the name this week is

Winifred Kennedy

Could you please email me your postal address to
and I will get it sent to you straight away.

I hope you enjoy playing with the gift and be sure to let me know that you have  received it ok/

Tomorrow sees the start of a new series of videos that are dealing with parchment in your card making, and showing some of the ways in which I make use of it. I hope you enjoy them and to keep them short I have only covered one idea in each video.

And oh dear .... it's raining !!

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

August 02, 2024

Friday Freebie - Glass House and Feathered Friends

Hi Everybody, 

This week I am offering you the chance to win the Glass House and Feathered Friends die sets from Paper Discovery by Olga Direktorenko.

These will work really well together and the finished glass house makes a really impressive statement.

Use some acetate inside the framework to create a beautiful centre peice for your table, and use a small battery tea light inside it to highlight the flowers that could be added to the inside of it. 

If you would like to have this  then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of this post with your FULL NAME 

The name will be announced in a blog post over the weekend so be sure to come back and see if you are the winner.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx 

August 01, 2024

Tile Effect Cards

 Hi Everybody,

Many years ago ... more than I care to remember ... I did a  video for YouTube and called it the
                        Faux Tile Effect 

It is still there but I have decided it is time to bring old videos up to date and so this is one that has now been
 re-filmed and here it is for you to view.

It is using Distress Inks and stencils, as well as some flowers  on some of the cards, but the overall effect is just as pretty as it was back then.

Here is the more up to date video 
Tile Effect 

The top card shows the tile panel  with just the sentiment added and that way you can see what the effect is on the card.

But the pink one has all the bells and whistles added in with the flowers and the silver die cut frame around the edges.

The tile background is visible along the sided and this is a really elegant card ... much better in the hand than the picture shows.

Please leave  me a comment here and on YouTube to let me know that you have visited, and any of these pictures can be added to Pinterest as well..

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx