
August 04, 2024

Winifred Kennedy - Winner

HI Everybody,

It's not quite as bright here to day but it is still warm and Ruby and I will be going out later in the day ... as long as it doesn't rain.

 I am definitely a fair weather walker and I don't like to get wet or cold. Ruby on the other hand doesn't care and she loves it when she gets home and is towel dried. Its just one big game to her.

I got the draw done earlier and the name this week is

Winifred Kennedy

Could you please email me your postal address to
and I will get it sent to you straight away.

I hope you enjoy playing with the gift and be sure to let me know that you have  received it ok/

Tomorrow sees the start of a new series of videos that are dealing with parchment in your card making, and showing some of the ways in which I make use of it. I hope you enjoy them and to keep them short I have only covered one idea in each video.

And oh dear .... it's raining !!

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Ah well done Winifred, look forward to this weeks videos Christina, enjoy your walk with Ruby. Love Anne Owens ❤️

  2. Congratulations Winifred.
    Looking forward to the parchemin ideas.
    Christine Cloutier


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