
September 02, 2024

Old Idea ...old video

 Hi Everybody,

My apologies for adding this old video from seven years ago but I have not been well over the past few days and not feeling up to doing a new one to show you. So I hope this one will entertain you until I feel better.

It was done many years ago and Griff  filmed it and although I use alcohol inks in it you could use your favourite medium to create the look.

Because this is such an old video I am able to add it here on the blog and not just the link back to YouTube.

Thanks for all your lovely comments on the mini series for Parchment Ideas, it makes me really happy that you enjoyed the videos.

I will be back to normal soon with another mini series for you to enjoy and in this series I will be revisiting some of the old card shapes that have been around for a long long time.
It will also update some of my older videos too.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Sorry you are not feeling well at the moment, hope you feel better soon.
    Enjoyed your video . Take care.

  2. Oh sorry to hear you'r not feeling to good Christina, I hope you pick up soon. I actually love the little video, and your explanation of sorting out the colours was great you put it so simply & it looks great, just what I needed for a project I am making, so thank you, I am enjoyed the mini series well done & try & have a rest get well soon

  3. Take care of yourself. You are so generous with your time and all you are sharing. Your health is more important than posting something new. We all want you healthy and happy.
    C Cloutier

  4. Sorry you are feeling under the weather and hope you are back in good health soon. What an easy and versatile idea. Thanks.

  5. So sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, sure hope you feel better soon,
    That is a great idea for a background, very sweet card!

  6. Hi Christina! Sorry to hear you're under the weather. No need to apologize. I love your old videos & would be happy if you tossed one or two in every once in a while for a 'down memory lane' kind of thing.
    This card is so fun! Thanks for sharing!
    Take care & keep well! Lots of fluids & an apple... 😂


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