
December 30, 2017

Card & Gift Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

Not long to go now to the start of another New Year and I have a feeling that this one is going to bring some exciting things.  The opportunities that I was given in 2017 have been amazing and they look set to continue with some new additions to the "Christina Collection" coming soon.

As we come to the end of this year my little Ruby will be back tomorrow to tell you what she has been up to and then on New Years Day I have a video for you and a little "Give Away" so I hope you will pop by and say hello.

The draw for yesterdays gift has been done and the name this week is you ...

please can you email me your postal address to
and your prize will be on its way to you straight away.

I hope you will have fun playing with this set and please let me know that you have it safe

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Well done Maria xx a great card and gift x

  2. Pleased for you Maria. Diana

  3. Happy New Year Christina! Congratulations & best wishes to keep growing your beautiful Christina Collection! You deserve to best of crafting as you had done it so well for years! Blessings for more in 2018! Congratulations to Maria on the win!

  4. Congratulations Maria. Love your Give Away's Christina.
    Happy New Year to you and your family

  5. Congrats to Maria for winning gift..!
    Christina your Christmas and New Year cards are amazing. I love this card. Great job.

  6. Congratrulations to Maria.Enjoy your great gift and beautiful card.

  7. Congratulations Maria hope you check back to claim your prize.
    Nancyd xx

  8. Congratulations Maria! Merry Christmas!


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