
December 31, 2017

Ruby Update ...

Hello Everybody,

It's me Ruby and I thought I would pop in to say Happy New Year to everybody and let you see how I have grown.

I am now 16 months old and I am a very happy 
English Cocker Spaniel 

Here I am sitting on the footstool in my house waiting for my mum to give me some of that biscuit that she has in her hand 

I had a lovely Christmas and got some new toys and I had some turkey as a special treat. 

I also got a new coat and a harness for when I go walking with my mum and dad.

We had lots of visitors over the holiday and they all made a fuss of both me and my very best friend Dougal.

Our mums took us on the beach a lot and into the park too where people make a fuss of us because we are so beautiful.

I may be growing into a big girl but I can't seem to catch up with my ears.

My mum says I look like Dumbo and maybe I could fly with them if I flapped them fast enough 

When ever I have a drink they get wet even though my mum bought me a special Spaniel bowl 

But I love it when she dries them for me and I can chase the towel 

But now that we are coming into the New Year I need to watch my weight and so I am getting stuck into this bag early 

I hope you all have a good year and I will be back again soon.

Bye for now 

Ruby xx


  1. Hi Ruby, Happy New Year to you and you'r family glad you are keeping well and have had a great time, hope we see plenty of you in the new year.
    Nancyd xx

  2. Happy New Year Ruby and of course your family too, great pictures of you and your cute friend Dougal :)
    Hugs Kaz xx

  3. Only yesterday I thought of Ruby !! Happy New Year to Ruby & Mum, and let's not forget Ruby's BFF too.

  4. Lovely to have an update on what you have been doing Ruby.

    Congrats to the card winner.


  5. Ruby, what a little poppet you are. Wishing you, your mum and dad and Dougal's of course a very happy healthy and crafty 2018.
    Love Val in Spainxxx

  6. Good Morning Miss Ruby! I was so looking forward to hearing about you today and how you were doing. You are a true doll baby and perfect in every way! I think you may know that because your Mum tells you how beautiful you are all the time, I bet. I'm so glad you and your family had such a lovely Christmas and even got some new clothes. A girl has to keep herself looking extra special. Don't worry too much about that New Year's resolution regarding your weight. You and Dougal look absolutely fit as a fiddle. Please thank your Mum for posting all the BEAUTIFUL Pictures. I really enjoyed them. Until next time Little One. Big Hugs.

  7. omg ruby, you are still such an adorable dog. keep makin' friends on the beach and at the park and with your bestie! happy 2018!

  8. Lovely to get your update Ruby- Glad you and all your family and friends had a good Christmas- now its time for looking forward to a happy and healthy 2018. More fun and more crafty goodies from your mum. Love and hugs to all of you xxx

  9. Hello Ruby, you and Dougal are certainly both beautiful, it's just lovely to read about how you are growing up and all your adventures, wishing you and your family and Dougal a Very Happy New Year and will look forward to hearing more of your adventures, Kate x

  10. Ruby, All the best in the New Year to you and your family.

  11. Ruby, it is so good to hear from you and see how you have grown. We love to hear about you and Dougal. Happy New Year to you and Dougal and your Mums and Dads !!!!

  12. Hello Ruby & Christina
    It's lovely to hear from you again, Ruby. I'd better not call you little any more because you're all big now but still as beautiful as ever. I'm glad you all had a good Christmas and enjoyed yourselves. Happy NewYear to you all.
    Live & best wishes
    Jenny C & Barney xxx

  13. Hi ruby lovely to hear from you my how you’ve grown happy new year to you and your mum&dad
    Love June Horrocks xxxxxx

  14. It was great to see Ruby and Dougal again. They are so precious. Christina, I wish you and your family a Happy New Year and I hope 2018 is even kinder to you than 2017 was.

  15. Hello sweet Ruby! I almost missed your post as I have been sick yet again. I'm hoping for a healthier 2018 and send wishes for a great year for you, Dougal and all your parents. You are so pretty. I love your coloring and your fun ears. They give you personality! It sounds like you had a fun Christmas! Ours was good, especially because my daughter, Jennifer, and her fiance Don came to visit. We went wedding dress shopping a couple of days but since I got sick, I finished the week in bed. Drat!!! I'm always so thankful when both of my kids and their families get together. With a wedding coming up, our family is growing. Don has a really big dog named Ranger. He's a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. He's a sweet dog too.
    I hope your year ahead is filled with happiness, joy, good health and lots of fun. Happy New Year Ruby!


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