
April 22, 2018

2 Cards from 1 die ... really pretty !!

Hi Everybody,

Today I am using an old die that some of you may already have too.

These where very popular a few years ago and created beautiful weaving backgrounds for you.

There are two dies to get the weaved look but for today's card I am using just one the
 Classic Weaving Die.

The Distress Oxide background is one we have done before but I really like the soft look that comes with Broken China, Shaded Lilac and Cracked Pistachio

Using what would be the waste is an economical way to get the two cards and can be done with lots of dies that you may have.

If you have these dies sat at the back of a cupboard then it is time to get them out again to give his a try. That way you get your monies worth from what is not a cheap investment

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Good morning Christina,
    Two simple but lovely cards.Without your great video I never would have noticed that you used the waste in the die for the first card and the positive panel for the second one.Interesting. So useful tutorial.I learn so much from you!Thank you.

  2. Morning Christina, some very pretty cards, I have both the weaving dies and as you say not used them for a while so these are an excellent way to make them look different.
    Nancyd xx

  3. Lovely card today, looking forward to watching the video later.


  4. Great video and lovely cards. Treated myself to some Distress Oxide so need to practice blending the colours now! (Am picking your brains! ) xx

  5. Beautiful card.
    Thanks for a great video!

  6. Hi Christina
    Just watched the video and both your cards are great. Haven't got that exact die but am going to have a go with an alternative using the same principle. Thanks for showing us
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  7. Two beautiful cards Christina i will give this a go I have the Die
    Thank you for the inspiration
    Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Very good video for two great cards. Thank you. Diana xxx

  9. How effective that is! two beautiful cards Thank for your ideas

  10. Hi Christina. Wonderful idea to use both the waste and the main die cuts to make these gorgeous cards. Must try this so thanks for the video inspiration. Love these four cards. Xx

  11. What a neat idea. I don't have the die, but can just cut the strips to copy your examples. Thanks so much!

  12. What great ideas from this simple die, love it.


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